I want the counter to reset to zero after the 30-second timer ends so if the user gets it wrong 3 times they can retry after the time is up. I'm using python btw
here is the section I need help with:
while count < 3:
#the user is asked to input their username and password
username = input(Fore.WHITE 'Enter username: ')
password = input(Fore.WHITE 'Enter password: ')
if password == new_password and username == new_username:
print(Fore.GREEN 'Access granted')
count = 0
print(Fore.RED 'Access denied. Try again.')
count = 1
# import the time feature into the program
import time
# define the countdown func.
def countdown(t):
if count == 3:
while t:
mins, secs = divmod(t, 60)
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print(timer, end="\r")
t -= 1
print ('you can try again in :')
print ("welcome",new_username,"here are your files")
# the time in seconds
t = 30
CodePudding user response:
For the password, use the getpass it is better than input
Solution 1:
import time
from colorama import Fore
new_username = 'stackoverflow'
new_password = 'stackoverflow'
def login(_t):
for _ in range(3):
# the user is asked to input their username and password
username = input(Fore.WHITE 'Enter username: ')
password = input(Fore.WHITE 'Enter password: ')
if password == new_password and username == new_username:
print(Fore.GREEN 'Access granted.')
print(f"welcome {new_username} here are your files")
return True
print(Fore.RED 'Access denied. Try again.')
for i in range(_t, 0, -1):
mins, secs = divmod(i, 60)
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print(f'\ryou can try again in : {timer}', end='')
print('\r', end='')
t = 3
Solution 2:
import time
from colorama import Fore
new_username = 'stackoverflow'
new_password = 'stackoverflow'
def login():
for _ in range(3):
# the user is asked to input their username and password
username = input(Fore.WHITE 'Enter username: ')
password = input(Fore.WHITE 'Enter password: ')
if password == new_password and username == new_username:
print(Fore.GREEN 'Access granted.')
return True
print(Fore.RED 'Access denied. Try again.')
# define the countdown func.
def countdown(_t):
if login() is True:
print(f"welcome {new_username} here are your files")
for i in range(_t, 0, -1):
mins, secs = divmod(i, 60)
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print(f'\ryou can try again in : {timer}', end='')
print('\r', end='')
# the time in seconds
t = 3