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How to check if dynamic checkbox are checked


I've an application to import some pictures from a folder into another. I use picturebox to show my pictures and have a checkbox next to it. If it's unchecked i dont wanna import them.

So here is my code for creating a checkbox :

        public void CreateCheckBox(Form formInstance,int yLocation, int xLocation, int iNumber)
            CheckBox box = new CheckBox();
            box.Name = "cbxName"   iNumber.ToString();
            box.Location = new Point(xLocation 40,yLocation 90);
            box.Visible = true;
            box.Enabled = true;
            box.Checked = true;
            box.CheckedChanged  = new EventHandler(cbx_CheckedChange);

And my pictureBox :

 public void CreatePictureBox(Form formInstance,int iNumber)
            string[] tNomImage = RecupererNomImage();
            PictureBox pbxImage = new PictureBox();
            pbxImage.Name = "pbxName"   iNumber.ToString();
            pbxImage.Image = Image.FromFile(tNomImage[iNumber]);
            pbxImage.Width = 90;
            pbxImage.Height = 90;
            pbxImage.Location = new Point(iXLocation, iYLocation);
            pbxImage.Visible = true;
            pbxImage.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
            pbxImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; 
            pbxImage.Enabled = false;
            CreateCheckBox(this, iYLocation, iXLocation, iNumber);
            if (iXLocation iXSpacing*2 > this.Width)
                iXLocation = XLOCATION;
                iYLocation  = iXSpacing;
                iXLocation  = iXSpacing;

And I wanna know which checkbox is checked so I can export the picture next to it.

CodePudding user response:

I presume a picturebox will have a name like:


And its matching checkbox will have a name like:


You can ask the form for all the checked boxes:

var cbs = formInstance.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>().Where(cb => cb.Checked);

You can convert the checkbox name into the related picturebox name and look up the picturebox by name:

foreach(var cb in cbs){
  var pbName = "p"   cb.Name.Substring(1);
  var pb = formInstance.Controls[pbName];

So many ways to skin this cat..

CodePudding user response:

Change your methods so that they RETURN the control that was created:

public CheckBox CreateCheckBox(Form formInstance,int yLocation, int xLocation, int iNumber)
    // ... existing code ...
    return box;

Now you can store a reference to that CheckBox in the Tag() property of the PictureBox:

public PictureBox CreatePictureBox(Form formInstance,int iNumber)
    // ... existing code ...

    CheckBox cb = CreateCheckBox(this, iYLocation, iXLocation, iNumber);
    pbxImage.Tag = cb;

    // ... existing code ...

    return pbxImage;

Finally, add all of those returned PictureBoxes to a List<PictureBox> so you can easily reference and iterate over them. Simply cast the control stored in the Tag() property back to a CheckBox and you can determine if each PictureBox should be imported or not.

CodePudding user response:

List<CheckBox> c = Controls.OfType<CheckBox>().Cast<CheckBox>().ToList();
forech(CheckBox item in c){
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