AwsEc2SecurityGroup={, OwnerId=123, VpcId=vpc-123,
IpPermissions=[{FromPort=3306, ToPort=3306, IpProtocol=tcp, IpRanges=[{CidrIp=}, {CidrIp=}, {CidrIp=}, {CidrIp=}],
UserIdGroupPairs=[{UserId=123, GroupId=sg-123abc}]}], IpPermissionsEgress=[{IpProtocol=-1, IpRanges=[{CidrIp=}]}], GroupId=sg-123abc}},
Region=us-east-1, Id=arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123:security-group/sg-123abc}]
I want to capture exactly arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123:security-group/sg-123abc
in this example. Generically, I want to capture the value of Id
regardless of placement. My current solution is /Details={.*Id=(.*\w)/
, but this only works if it's the last object in the data. How can I take into account the following potential scenario:
Id=arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123:security-group/sg-123abc, Thing=123abc}]
CodePudding user response:
You can use look-behind to check that there is the Id=
prefix, and then match anything that is not a space, comma or closing brace:
CodePudding user response:
You have a pattern with 2 times .*
which will first match till the end of the line/string (depending on if the dot matches a newline) and it will backtrack to match the last occurrence where this part of the pattern Id=(.*\w)
can match.
If you want to use a capture group, you can make the format and the allowed characters a bit more specific:
\bId=(\w (?:[:\/-]\w ) )
The pattern in parts
A word boundary to prevent a partial word matchId=
Match literally(
Capture group 1\w
Match 1 word chars(?:[:\/-]\w )
Repeat 1 times either:
and 1 word chars
Close group 1
Or if you know that it starts with Id=arn:
\bId=(arn:[\w:\/-] )
Note that you don't have to escape the \/
only when the delimiters of the regex are forward slashes, but there is no language tagged.