How do I test a string that contains a character at the start then a space and whatever comes after that which could be an integer or float?
'$ 15'
'$ 15.95'
CodePudding user response:
$space(endless digits until)period and exactly-2digits
$space(endless digits-no periods)
const rgx = /\$\s[\d]*\.[\d]{2}|\$\s[\d]*[^.]/gm;
const str = `\$ 15.95 \$ 5 \$ 2.00
\$ 6.90 \$ 1101`;
let matches = [...str.matchAll(rgx)].flat();
CodePudding user response:
I think it could help you: ^\$ [ -]?[0-9]{1,}(\.[0-9]{1,}){0,1}
, you can test it here:
: start with a character- then add a space
[ -]?
then add optional signs[0-9]{1,}
then add at less one digit(\.[0-9]{1,}){0,1}
then add a dot and at less one digit