How do I create a default 0 value result for a calculated variable when the calculation divides by 0?
I am a beginner in SwiftUI and am trying to create a simple quiz app. In the app, questions by category are counted, such as "hsa" below (hsaCount.correct and hsaCount.incorrect) and eventually a score is calculated (scoreHSA).
The current code below works fine except when an "hsa" question is not attempted which results in "triedHsa" being 0 and an error of "Thread 1: Fatal error: Division by zero"
I am trying to figure out how to make the default scoreHsa result 0 if triedHsa is 0.
I tried using guard and if/else statements but failed, likely due to my inexperience.
let hsaCount: (correct: Int, incorrect: Int)
var triedHsa: Int { hsaCount.correct hsaCount.incorrect}
var scoreHsa: Int { ((hsaCount.correct * 100) / triedHsa)}
CodePudding user response:
Use ternary expression:
var scoreHsa: Int {
triedHsa == 0 ? 0 : ((hsaCount.correct * 100) / triedHsa)
Or, you can use conditional expressions:
var scoreHsa: Int {
guard triedHsa != 0 else {
return 0
return (hsaCount.correct * 100) / triedHsa
CodePudding user response:
Swift is missing a throwing function for this; you need to make one yourself.
makes ÷
var scoreHsa: Int { (try? hsaCount.correct * 100 ÷ triedHsa) ?? 0 }
infix operator ÷: MultiplicationPrecedence
public extension BinaryInteger {
/// - Throws: `DivisionByZeroError<Self>`
static func ÷ (numerator: @autoclosure () -> Self, denominator: Self) throws -> Self {
guard denominator != 0
else { throw DivisionByZeroError() }
return numerator() / denominator
public struct DivisionByZeroError: Error { }