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Device id does not match the minut sensor


I have coded a program when I click on run and execute the program, it will automatically update to my database, however I am not sure why my device id that I took is not the same as the one from minut, is there a way to fix this issue?

My Index.js

const { default:axios } = require("axios");
const { Connection, Request } = require("tedious");

const dbConfig = {
    authentication: {
      options: {
        userName: "learning-space-analytics", // update me
        password: "***" // update me
      type: "default"
    server: "learning-space-analytics.database.windows.net", // update me
    options: {
      database: "learning-space-analytics", //update me
      encrypt: true

  const connection = new Connection(dbConfig);

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
   const tokenRes = await axios.post("https://api.minut.com/v7/oauth/token", {
        "grant_type": "refresh_token",
        "client_id": "",
        "client_secret": "",
        "refresh_token": ""

   const { access_token } = await tokenRes.data;

   const sensorRes = await axios.get("https://api.minut.com/v7/devices", {
       headers: {
           "Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}`

   const { devices } = await sensorRes.data;
   const sqlCmds = [];

   for (const device in devices) {
        const { device_id, active, offline, latest_sensor_values } = devices[device];
        const { temperature, sound, humidity } = latest_sensor_values;

        if (active && !offline) {
            sqlCmds.push(`INSERT INTO [learning-space-analytics].[dbo].[SensorReading] VALUES (${new Date(temperature.time).getSeconds()}, ${sound.value}, 0, ${humidity.value}, ${temperature.value}, ${device_id}, "admin1", ${Date.now()})`)

   connection.on("connect", err => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            //for (const cmd in sqlCmds) {
           // }
    context.res = {
        // status: 200, /* Defaults to 200 */
        body: {
            "status": "ok"

function queryDatabase(cmd) {
    const request = new Request(
      (err, rowCount) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
          console.log(`${rowCount} row(s) returned`);
    request.on("row", columns => {
      columns.forEach(column => {
        console.log("%s\t%s", column.metadata.colName, column.value);

When I click on the run and execute the azure it will show an error: Incorrect syntax near 'a9dff4fbc6f86a88d4c1ab'.(the device id) The correct device id should be 61a9dff4fbc6f86a88d4c1ab, the 61 is missing tho, how to fix that issue?

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