I have an image of an arrow that rotates around a fixed central point and I want to make it to where it moves in the direction of a mouse click. So someone can click somewhere on the screen and the arrow will point in the direction of the mouse click.
This is what the arrow looks like:
And this is what the code of the div looks like
content.innerHTML = '<img class = "arrow" style="transform: rotate(' x 'deg)" src="img/arrow.png"</img>'
and the CSS for those interested:
.arrow {
width: 200px;
height: 10px;
position: absolute;
transform-origin: 100% 50%;
Any pointers appreciated! Thanks!
CodePudding user response:
A duplicate question,a duplicate answer
Old Question
Old Answer
The below is a part of answer
let get, post, doc, html, bod, nav, M, I, mobile, S, Q, aC, rC, tC; // for use on other loads
addEventListener('load', () => {
get = (url, success, context) => {
const x = new XMLHttpRequest;
const c = context || x;
x.open('GET', url);
x.onload = () => {
if (success) success.call(c, JSON.parse(x.responseText));
post = function(url, send, success, context) {
const x = new XMLHttpRequest;
const c = context || x;
x.open('POST', url);
x.onload = () => {
if (success) success.call(c, JSON.parse(x.responseText));
if (typeof send === 'object' && send && !(send instanceof Array)) {
if (send instanceof FormData) {
} else {
const fd = new FormData;
for (let k in send) {
fd.append(k, JSON.stringify(send[k]));
} else {
throw new Error('send argument must be an Object');
return x;
doc = document;
html = doc.documentElement;
bod = doc.body;
nav = navigator;
M = tag => doc.createElement(tag);
I = id => doc.getElementById(id);
mobile = nav.userAgent.match(/Mobi/i) ? true : false;
S = (selector, within) => {
var w = within || doc;
return w.querySelector(selector);
Q = (selector, within) => {
var w = within || doc;
return w.querySelectorAll(selector);
aC = function() {
const a = [].slice.call(arguments),
n = a.shift();
return aC;
rC = function() {
const a = [].slice.call(arguments),
n = a.shift();
return rC;
tC = function() {
const a = [].slice.call(arguments),
n = a.shift();
return tC;
// you can put the following on another page using a load Event - besides the end load
function Arrow(canvasElement, arrowWidth = 25, arrowHeight = 75, lineWidth = 3, strokeStyle = '#000', lineCap = 'round') {
let bc = canvasElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
ctx = canvasElement.getContext('2d');
const w = bc.width,
h = bc.height,
ha = arrowWidth / 2;
canvasElement.width = w;
canvasElement.height = h;
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
ctx.lineCap = lineCap;
let x = w / 2,
hh = h / 2,
y = hh - arrowHeight / 2,
hit = false;
this.clear = () => {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
const arrowTop = () => {
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
this.make = () => {
ctx.lineTo(x, y arrowHeight);
ctx.lineTo(x - ha, y ha);
ctx.lineTo(x ha, y ha);
return this;
this.rotate = deg => {
ctx.translate(x, hh);
ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * deg);
ctx.translate(-x, -hh);
return this;
const hitRotate = e => {
if (!hit) {
bc = canvasElement.getBoundingClientRect();
this.rotate(90 Math.atan2(e.clientY - bc.top - hh, e.clientX - bc.left - x) * 180 / Math.PI);
const hitStart = e => {
hit = true;
const hitStop = () => {
hit = false;
this.touch = () => {
canvasElement.ontouchstart = hitStart;
canvasElement.ontouchmove = e => {
canvasElement.ontouchend = hitStop;
return this;
this.mouse = () => {
canvasElement.onmousedown = hitStart;
canvasElement.onmousemove = hitRotate;
canvasElement.onmouseup = canvasElement.onmouseout = hitStop;
return this;
const arrow = new Arrow(I('can'));
if (mobile) {
} else {
}); // end load
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: #ccc;
.main {
padding: 10px;
#can {
display: block;
width: 480px;
height: 270px;
background: #fff;
margin: 0 auto;
<div class='main'>
<canvas id='can'></canvas>
- (Visit old answer&question for details&explanation )
Kind request
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