Home > front end >  Will query the database elements to an array and to display, please kindly advise!!!!!!
Will query the database elements to an array and to display, please kindly advise!!!!!!


Will first lookup table _zb, field z_zhjddw maxid data assigned to the variable array ()
Dim maxid ()
Set the conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. Open="DRIVER={Microsoft Access DRIVER (*. MDB)}; DBQ="& amp; Server. MapPath (" SJXT. MDB)
Set the rs=server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")
Sql1="select z_zhjddw from _zb order by id asc"
Rs. The open sql1, conn, 1, 1
For I=0 To rs. Recordcount
Maxid (I)=rs (I)
Rs. Close
Conn. Close
% & gt;
Then one by one display

<% %=maxid (I) & gt;
<% % next & gt;

Excuse me, I was wrong in there? How to write?

CodePudding user response:


<% set conn=Server. The CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. The Provider="Microsoft. Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0" conn. Open (for Server Mappath ("/db/northwind. MDB))
Set the rs=Server CreateObject (" ADODB. You ") rs. Open the "select z_zhjddw from _zb order by id asc", conn
% & gt;
<% % for each x in rs. The Fields & gt; <% % Response. Write (x.v alue) & gt;
<% next
Rs. MoveNext % & gt;

<% loop
Rs. Close
Conn. Close
% & gt;

CodePudding user response:

This variable is x? I want to assign a value to variable, because want to in the vb variables into js reference again

CodePudding user response:

I want to all the data is given variables, this variable at the same time I also want to translate the javascrit language variables, big master know so not achieve? Thank you for the

CodePudding user response:

https://www.w3school.com.cn/tiy/s.asp? F=demo_adoe_getrows


CodePudding user response:

The execute or getrows type does not match, why?
Dim maxid ()
Set the conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. Open="DRIVER={Microsoft Access DRIVER (*. MDB)}; DBQ="& amp; Server. MapPath (" SJXT. MDB)
Set the rs=server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")
Sql1="select top 6 z_zhjddw from _zb order by id asc"
Rs. The open sql1, conn, 1, 1
Maxid=conn. Execute (sql1)
% & gt;

Microsoft VBScript runtime error error '800 a000d'

Type mismatch

/ss. Asp, line 11
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