Home > front end >  About the database query data assigned to the variable problems, please help!!!!!!
About the database query data assigned to the variable problems, please help!!!!!!


Why this variable maxid (0), and other variables are able to show? Or why only assignment first data
Dim maxid
Set the conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. Open="DRIVER={Microsoft Access DRIVER (*. MDB)}; DBQ="& amp; Server. MapPath (" SJXT. MDB)
Set the rs=server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")
Sql1="select z_zhjddw from _zb"
Rs. The open sql1, conn, 1, 1
Maxid=conn. Execute (sql1)
% & gt;
<% response. Write (maxid (1))
Rs. Close
Conn. Close % & gt;
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