here my table Table
I want to find the average of MTK IPA PJOK table 2
with this code
SELECT induk, nama, kelas,
SUM(if (kdmapel=“111”,ratarata,0)) as MTK,
SUM(if (kdmapel=“112”,ratarata,0)) as IPA,
SUM(if (kdmapel=“115”,ratarata,0)) as PJOK,
from nilai
WHERE kelas=1 and semester=“ganjil”
group by induk
but it doesn't work, the error said
#1054 - Unknown column 'MTK' in 'field list'
CodePudding user response:
The MTK, IPA and PJOK are calculated from group functions.
So they can't be used directly like that.
One way is to wrap it all in a sub-query, then calculate NAR in the outer query.
However, their calculation is quite simple and similar.
So the calculation for NAR isn't much harder.
SELECT induk, nama, kelas,
SUM(if(kdmapel='111',ratarata,0)) as MTK,
SUM(if(kdmapel='112',ratarata,0)) as IPA,
SUM(if(kdmapel='115',ratarata,0)) as PJOK,
(SUM(if(kdmapel IN('111','112','115'),ratarata,0))/3) as NAR
FROM nilai
WHERE kelas=1 and semester='ganjil'
GROUP BY induk
CodePudding user response:
Looks like you are referencing the alias name and it doesn’t know what that is.
Either write it as a CTE and then add the alias columns together or first store the results in a temp table and then add them.
Something like this
;With myCte as
SELECT induk,
SUM(if (kdmapel='111',ratarata,0)) as MTK,
SUM(if (kdmapel='112',ratarata,0)) as IPA,
SUM(if (kdmapel='115',ratarata,0)) as PJOK
from nilai WHERE kelas=1 and semester='ganjil'
group by induk
Select *,
From myCte