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Rails friendly_id gem not working with link_to helpers?


I’ve set the friendly_id gem up, and generated slugs for my model.

The slugs are all shown in my DB column, and if I run Event.friendly.find('my-event-name') in the console, it works perfectly.

My URL’s are still showing as organisation/1/events/1 though, when I check the result of the following link_to:-

<%= link_to organisation_event_path(event.organisation.id, event.id), class: 'btn btn-primary' do %>

I’ve also added

  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :title, use: :slugged

to my model.

When I visit the URL manually, it works with the friendly id - so it seems to be just the link_to helper that isn't working.

Could possibly be related to some additional setup required for nested routes here - but I can’t seem to find anything when I search.

  resources :organisations do
    resources :events

CodePudding user response:

This is way more explicit then you need to be. As long as you're fallowing the conventions you can let them do the work for you:

<%= link_to [event.organisation, event], class: 'btn btn-primary do %>
  # ...
<% end %>

Under the covers rails will look up the organisation_event_path helper (by looking at the model names) - and call its to_param method.

CodePudding user response:

The answer seems to be that I need to change the .id in my link_to, to .friendly_id like so:-

<%= link_to organisation_event_path(event.organisation.id, event.friendly_id), class: 'btn btn-primary' do %>

Would expected it to work without this but perhaps not.

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