This is what I'm trying to make:
Closer I got was bridge text like this example, but it uses a Top baseline for the bridge and I'm not sure how to addapt it to my needs:
Bridge Text Effect in HTML5 Canvas
/// (c) Ken Fyrstenberg Nilsen, Abidas Software .com
/// License: CC-Attribute
var ctx = demo.getContext('2d'),
font = '64px impact',
w = demo.width,
h = demo.height,
isTri = false,
angleSteps = 180 / w,
i = w,
os = document.createElement('canvas'),
octx = os.getContext('2d');
os.width = w;
os.height = h;
octx.font = font;
octx.textBaseline = 'top';
octx.textAlign = 'center';
function renderBridgeText() {
curve = parseInt(iCurve.value, 10);
offsetY = parseInt(iOffset.value, 10);
textHeight = parseInt(iHeight.value, 10);
bottom = parseInt(iBottom.value, 10);
isTri = iTriangle.checked;
vCurve.innerHTML = curve;
vOffset.innerHTML = offsetY;
vHeight.innerHTML = textHeight;
vBottom.innerHTML = bottom;
octx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
octx.fillText(iText.value.toUpperCase(), w * 0.5, 0);
/// slide and dice
i = w;
dltY = curve / textHeight;
y = 0;
while (i--) {
if (isTri) {
y = dltY;
if (i === (w * 0.5)|0) dltY = -dltY;
} else {
y = bottom - curve * Math.sin(i * angleSteps * Math.PI / 180);
ctx.drawImage(os, i, 0, 1, textHeight,
i, h * 0.5 - offsetY / textHeight * y, 1, y);
iCurve.onchange = iOffset.onchange = iHeight.onchange = iBottom.onchange = iText.onkeyup = iTriangle.onchange = renderBridgeText;
span {
font:12px sans-serif;
<canvas id=demo width=400 height=300></canvas>
<input id="iCurve" type="range" min=0 max=200 value=110>
<span id="vCurve">110</span>
<input id="iOffset" type="range" min=0 max=100 value=4>
<span id="vOffset">0</span>
<br><span>Text height:</span>
<input id="iHeight" type="range" min=0 max=200 value=64>
<span id="vHeight">64</span>
<input id="iBottom" type="range" min=0 max=200 value=200>
<span id="vBottom">200</span>
<input id="iTriangle" type="checkbox">
<input id="iText" type="text" value="BRIDGE TEXT">
Is there any way to arc text while keeping each letter vertical like in the images?
CodePudding user response:
The tool works by drawing the text normally, slicing it into 1px wide vertical strips, then redrawing those strips with vertical scaling and offset. Knowing how .drawImage()
functions helps a lot in making this possible. Changing this algorithm to your needs is a matter of changing how the scaling and offset are calculated.
Two parameters are calculated for each strip: Offset and height. y
controls the arc but is used directly to set the target height. h * 0.5 - offsetY / textHeight * y
scales and offsets y
to produce the offset.
Since y
is derived almost directly from sin()
, we can use that as the offset instead. The height would remain fixed so we use textHeight
for that.
ctx.drawImage(os, i, 0, 1, textHeight,
i, h * 0.5 - offsetY / textHeight * y, 1, y);
ctx.drawImage(os, i, 0, 1, textHeight,
i, y, 1, textHeight);
does the trick.
This is the minimum change necessary. I'll leave it as an exercise for yourself as to how to further clean up the code.