Home > front end >  [question] Vue axios echarts element project building related issues
[question] Vue axios echarts element project building related issues


Using the vue - cli3 scaffolding tools to create the project
In turn, add the following dependent on

 vue add element 
Vue add axios
Vue add echarts

Run the NPM run serve

Then an error:

 Error: vue - loader requires @ vue/compiler - SFC to be present in the dependency tree 

Error in detail the following

 INFO Starting development server... 
ERROR ERROR: vue - loader requires @ vue/compiler - SFC to be present in the dependency tree.
Error: the vue - loader requires @ vue/compiler - SFC to be present in the dependency tree.
At the Object. & lt; anonymous> (F: \ Work_zxz \ vue \ init_hzgh \ node_modules \ @ vue/cli - service/node_modules \ vue - loader \ dist \ index js: pleasure:)
At the Module. _compile (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 805:30)
at Object.Module._extensions.. Js (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 816:10)
At the Module. The load (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 672:32)
The at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 612:12)
Ats Function. The Module. _load (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 604:3)
At the Module. The require (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 711:19)
At the require (internal/modules/CJS/helpers. Js: he)
At API. ChainWebpack. WebpackConfig (F: \ Work_zxz \ vue \ init_hzgh \ node_modules \ @ vue \ cli - service \ lib \ config \ base js: 110:16)
The at webpackChainFns. ForEach. Fn (F: \ Work_zxz \ vue \ init_hzgh \ node_modules \ @ vue \ cli - service \ lib \ service js: 236:40)
npm ERR! Errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] serve: ` vue cli - service serve `
npm ERR! The Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] serve script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with NPM. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ NPM - cache \ _logs \ 2020-08-27 T01_33_51_138Z - the debug log

Specific log log the following

 0 info it worked if it ends with ok 
1 the verbose cli [' C: \ \ Program Files \ \ nodejs \ \ node exe ',
1 verbose cli 'C: \ \ Program Files \ \ nodejs \ \ node_modules \ \ NPM \ \ bin \ \ NPM - cli. Js',
1 the verbose cli 'run',
1 the verbose cli 'serve']
2 the info using [email protected]
3 the info using [email protected]
4 verbose run - script [' preserve ', 'serve', 'postserve]
5 the info lifecycle [email protected] to preserve: [email protected]
6 the info lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: [email protected]
7 verbose lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: unsafe - perm in lifecycle true
8 verbose lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: PATH: C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ NVM \ v11.13.0 \ node_modules/NPM/node_modules/NPM - lifecycle \ node - gyp - bin; F: \ Work_zxz \ vue \ init_hzgh \ node_modules \ bin. C: \ Windows \ system32; C: \ Windows; C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Wbem; C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \; C: \ Program Files \ TortoiseSVN \ bin. C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server (x86) 100 \ Tools \ Binn \ \; C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server 100 \ Tools \ Binn \ \; C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server 100 \ DTS \ Binn \ \; C: \ Program Files \ Git \ CMD. C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft \ Web Platform Installer \; % % NVM_HOME; % % NVM_SYMLINK; C: \ Program Files \ dotnet \; C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server 130 \ Tools \ Binn \ \; C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ ODBC \ 170 \ \ Client SDK Tools \ Binn \; C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ WindowsApps; C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ NPM; C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Local \ BypassRuntm; C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ NVM. C: \ Program Files \ nodejs; D: \ \ Program Files \ Microsoft VS Code \ bin
9 verbose lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: CWD: F: \ Work_zxz \ vue \ init_hzgh
10 silly lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: the Args: ['/d/s/c ', 'vue - cli - service serve']
11 silly lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: Returned: code: 1 signal: null
12 the info lifecycle [email protected] ~ serve: Failed to exec serve script
13 verbose stack Error: [email protected] serve: ` vue cli - service serve `
13 verbose stack Exit status 1
13 verbose stack at EventEmitter. & lt; anonymous> (C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ NVM \ v11.13.0 \ node_modules/NPM/node_modules/NPM - lifecycle \ index js: 301:16)
13 verbose stack at EventEmitter. Emit (events. Js: 193:13)
13 verbose stack at ChildProcess. & lt; anonymous> (C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ AppData \ Roaming \ NVM \ v11.13.0 \ node_modules/NPM/node_modules/NPM - lifecycle \ lib \ spawn js: 55:14)
13 verbose stack at ChildProcess. Emit (events. Js: 193:13)
13 verbose stack at maybeClose (internal/child_process. Js: 1001:16)
13 verbose stack at the Process. The ChildProcess. _handle. Onexit (internal/child_process. Js: 266:5)
14 verbose pkgid [email protected]
15 verbose CWD F: \ Work_zxz \ vue \ init_hzgh
16 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.16299
17 verbose argv "C: \ \ Program Files \ \ nodejs \ \ node exe" "C: \ \ Program Files \ \ nodejs \ \ node_modules \ \ NPM \ \ bin \ \ NPM - cli. Js" "run" "serve"
18 verbose node v11.13.0
19 verbose NPM v6.7.0
20 the error code ELIFECYCLE
21 the error errno 1
22 the error [email protected] serve: ` vue cli - service serve `
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