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React how set count text value 0 for empty box


Right now my empty text box showing count 1. see the screenshot below:

enter image description here

I want to show 0 value for empty box. how to do that? here is my code:

export default function TextFrom(props) {
  const handelUpClick = () => {
    let newtext = text.toUpperCase();

  const handelLoClick = () => {
    let newtext = text.toLowerCase();

  const handleOnChange = (event) => {

  const [text, setText] = useState("");

  return (
    ..my html code
     <h1>your text summary</h1>
          {text.split(" ").length} words and {text.length} character

CodePudding user response:

The problem here is that split returns [""] when called on an empty string, and the length of that array is indeed 1. To counteract this, you can replace the {text.split(" ").length} part of your code with {text.trim() === '' ? 0 : text.split(" ").length} so that the case where the input is only whitespace is taken care of.

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