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Function returning unexpected values when vectorizing over numpy tuple


I wanted to take a quick look at the following distribution function and noticed that something is very wrong with the way I'm trying to do that. When applying the function to x_range, all values end up being 0. I am very confused about this and struggle to understand why that would be the case. Am I using numpy wrong in this situation? At least that is the only explanation I have, but I have not been able to find any sort of explanation for why I am seeing these results.

Below is my code.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def F(x):
    return 0 if x <= 0 \
        else .0025 * x if x <= 100 \
        else .25 if x <= 200 \
        else .0025 * x - .25 if x <= 300 \
        else .0025 * x if x <= 400 \
        else 1

x_range = np.linspace(0, 410, 1000)

Also, is anyone aware of a more elegant way to simply plot a function over an interval? I am not really a fan of vectorizing the function and applying it to a specially generated array for the mere purpose of plotting. I assume there should be built-in matplotlib functionality to plot a function over some subspace of R.

CodePudding user response:

The documentation for enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

maybe changing the numbers in "if statements" from int to float may help:

def F(x):
    return 0.0 if x <= 0.0 \
        else 0.0025 * x if x <= 100.0 \
        else 0.25 if x <= 200.0 \
        else 0.0025 * x - 0.25 if x <= 300.0 \
        else 0.0025 * x if x <= 400.0 \
        else 1.0

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Correcting F to consistently return a float:

In [45]: def F(x):
    ...:     return .0 if x <= 0 \
    ...:         else .0025 * x if x <= 100 \
    ...:         else .25 if x <= 200 \
    ...:         else .0025 * x - .25 if x <= 300 \
    ...:         else .0025 * x if x <= 400 \
    ...:         else 1.0

And a smaller x:

In [46]: x = np.linspace(0,410,11)
In [47]: x
Out[47]: array([  0.,  41.,  82., 123., 164., 205., 246., 287., 328., 369., 410.])

vectorize with otypes:

In [48]: np.vectorize(F,otypes=[float])(x)
array([0.    , 0.1025, 0.205 , 0.25  , 0.25  , 0.2625, 0.365 , 0.4675,
       0.82  , 0.9225, 1.0   ])

and the same thing using a list comprehension:

In [49]: np.array([F(i) for i in x])
array([0.    , 0.1025, 0.205 , 0.25  , 0.25  , 0.2625, 0.365 , 0.4675,
       0.82  , 0.9225, 1.0   ])

For this small x the list comprehension is faster; for your large x_range, vectorize is faster.

A "truely vectorized" calculation is:

def foo(x):
    res = np.zeros(x.shape)
    mask = (x>0) & (x<=100); res[mask] = 0.0025*x[mask]
    mask = (x>100) & (x<=200); res[mask] = .25
    mask = (x>200) & (x<=300); res[mask] = 0.0025*x[mask]-.25
    mask = (x>300) & (x<=400); res[mask] = 0.0025*x[mask]
    mask = (x>400); res[mask] = 1
    return res

For my 10 element x is is slower, but for the large x_range scales much better.

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