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How to query an array of integers ​in an integer collection in ASP.NET Core 3.1?


I would like to query an integer collection. For now, I can only filter by the first value in the array of integers. How can I query that includes all values ​​in the integer array for a blog tag id collection?

 //list --> my blog posts variable

 if (f.blogTagIds != null)
     list = list.Where(p => p.BlogTagRelation.Select(p => p.BlogTagId).Contains(f.blogTagIds[0]));


public class SearchFilterType
    public int[] blogTagIds { get; set; }

ViewBag BlogTags

var BlogTags = new List<SelectListItem>();

foreach (var item in _uow.BlogTag.GetAllByEnabledDate(null, _uow.Cookie.GetAdminLangId, _uow.Cookie.GetAdminWebSiteId))
    BlogTags.Add(new SelectListItem
                         Text = item.Title,
                         Value = item.Id.ToString()

ViewBag.BlogTags = BlogTags;

Filter Form BlogTagIds Select Control

<select asp-for="f.blogTagIds"  multiple="multiple" asp-items="ViewBag.BlogTags"></select>


    public partial class BlogTagRelation
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int BlogId { get; set; }
    public int BlogTagId { get; set; }

    public virtual Blog Blog { get; set; }
    public virtual BlogTag BlogTag { get; set; }

Example route


CodePudding user response:


var list =list.Where(x => blogTagIds.All(r => x.BlogTagRelation.Any(y => y.BlogTag.BlogTagId== r)));

make sure that All of the blogTagIds are contained in BlogTagRelation


[I select user with special roleId]

enter image description here

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