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SVN client to change the password


First SVN password is the passwd file, but most of them are online with htpasswd modify the passwd file, but after using htpasswd modify the configuration files, my SVN client to normal check out, don't SVN secret key to identify the md5,

[root @ localhost cgi - bin] # vim ChangePasswd. Ini

Logfile=/var/WWW/cgi - bin/ChangePasswd. Log
Passmustgreatecription=SVN self-service password change
Yourname=user name
Oldpwd=old password
Newpwd1=new password
Newpwd2 confirm new password=
Btn_change=desired change
Heavy btn_reset=buy
Changepwdok=password change success
Changepwdfailed=password change failed
Servererror=server error, please contact your administrator
Passmustgreater=new password number must be greater than
Twopassnotmatched=two password must be the same
Entername=please enter your user name
Enterpwd=please enter your password
Errorpwd=your password is not correct
The back=return back
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