I'm pretty new to Flutter and struggling to parse a JSON data of type Map which is as below. Everytime I try fetching the data and storing it, I keep getting Unhandled Exception: type 'Welcome' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>' in type cast
"status": "success",
"data": [
"product_id": 10,
"restaurant_name": "new restaurant5",
"product_name": "Test Product new 2",
"product_desciption": "A cool new test product new 2",
"product_image": null,
"product_selling_price": "450",
"product_status": "active",
"product_quantity": "500",
"product_rating": null,
"product_rating_count": null,
"product_sell_count": null
"product_id": 9,
"restaurant_name": "new restaurant5",
"product_name": "Test Product new 1",
"product_desciption": "A cool new test product new",
"product_image": null,
"product_selling_price": "400",
"product_status": "active",
"product_quantity": "100",
"product_rating": null,
"product_rating_count": null,
"product_sell_count": null
"product_id": 8,
"restaurant_name": "new restaurant5",
"product_name": "Test Product new",
"product_desciption": "A cool new test product new",
"product_image": null,
"product_selling_price": "350",
"product_status": "active",
"product_quantity": "1000",
"product_rating": null,
"product_rating_count": null,
"product_sell_count": null
I have used used Quicktype.io to generate the Model Class from JSON to dart which is as follows:
Welcome welcomeFromJson(String str) => Welcome.fromJson(json.decode(str));
String welcomeToJson(Welcome data) => json.encode(data.toJson());
class Welcome {
required this.status,
required this.data,
String status;
List<Datum> data;
factory Welcome.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Welcome(
status: json["status"],
data: List<Datum>.from(json["data"].map((x) => Datum.fromJson(x))),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"status": status,
"data": List<dynamic>.from(data.map((x) => x.toJson())),
class Datum {
required this.productId,
required this.restaurantName,
required this.productName,
required this.productDesciption,
required this.productImage,
required this.productSellingPrice,
required this.productStatus,
required this.productQuantity,
required this.productRating,
required this.productRatingCount,
required this.productSellCount,
int productId;
RestaurantName? restaurantName;
String productName;
String productDesciption;
String productImage;
String productSellingPrice;
ProductStatus? productStatus;
String productQuantity;
dynamic productRating;
dynamic productRatingCount;
dynamic productSellCount;
factory Datum.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Datum(
productId: json["product_id"],
restaurantName: restaurantNameValues.map[json["restaurant_name"]],
productName: json["product_name"],
productDesciption: json["product_desciption"],
json["product_image"] == null ? null : json["product_image"],
productSellingPrice: json["product_selling_price"],
productStatus: productStatusValues.map[json["product_status"]],
json["product_quantity"] == null ? null : json["product_quantity"],
productRating: json["product_rating"],
productRatingCount: json["product_rating_count"],
productSellCount: json["product_sell_count"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"product_id": productId,
"restaurant_name": restaurantNameValues.reverse![restaurantName],
"product_name": productName,
"product_desciption": productDesciption,
"product_image": productImage == null ? null : productImage,
"product_selling_price": productSellingPrice,
"product_status": productStatusValues.reverse![productStatus],
"product_quantity": productQuantity == null ? null : productQuantity,
"product_rating": productRating,
"product_rating_count": productRatingCount,
"product_sell_count": productSellCount,
enum ProductStatus { ACTIVE }
final productStatusValues = EnumValues({"active": ProductStatus.ACTIVE});
enum RestaurantName { NEW_RESTAURANT5, RESTAURANR_2 }
final restaurantNameValues = EnumValues({
"new restaurant5": RestaurantName.NEW_RESTAURANT5,
"Restauranr 2": RestaurantName.RESTAURANR_2
class EnumValues<T> {
Map<String, T> map;
Map<T, String>? reverseMap;
Map<T, String>? get reverse {
if (reverseMap == null) {
reverseMap = map.map((k, v) => new MapEntry(v, k));
return reverseMap;
This is the class from which I'm making the API Call:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import './providerModel.dart';
class ApiProvider with ChangeNotifier {
Map<String, dynamic> _result = {};
Future<void> fetchProduct() async {
final url = Uri.https('achievexsolutions.in', '/etiano/api/all_products');
final response = await http.get(url);
Welcome data = welcomeFromJson(response.body); //This is probably where the error gets thrown`enter code here`
_result = data as Map<String, dynamic>;
CodePudding user response:
You are currently assigning an entire model class to your _result variable. What you have to do is, convert the model to a Map object and then assign it to the _result variable like so:
Welcome data = welcomeFromJson(response.body);
_result = data.toJson();