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Could not load [oracle/SQL/converter_xcharset lx20354. GLB] how to deal with?


Centos deploy tomcat, start running have been print the following information:
 16 - Jun - 2020 09:51:25. 569 information [C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager [identityToken - & gt; z8kfltaa1eip1u0awv5bw | 71 f1dbf1] - HelperThread - # 1] org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. CheckStateForResourceLoading Illegal access: this web application instance has had been stopped already. Could not load [oracle/SQL/converter_xcharset lx20354. GLB]. The following stack trace is thrown for was debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate The thread which under caused The Illegal access. 
Java. Lang. An IllegalStateException: Illegal access: this web application instance has had been stopped already. Could not load [oracle/SQL/converter_xcharset lx20354. GLB]. The following stack trace is thrown for was debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate The thread which under caused The Illegal access.
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. CheckStateForResourceLoading (WebappClassLoaderBase. Java: 1372)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Loader. WebappClassLoaderBase. GetResource (WebappClassLoaderBase. Java: 1042)
The at Java. Lang. Class. GetResource (Class. Java: 2267)
At oracle. SQL. ConverterArchive. ReadObj (ConverterArchive. Java: 395)
At oracle. SQL. The converter. CharacterConverterJDBC. GetInstance (CharacterConverterJDBC. Java: 144)
At oracle. SQL. The converter. CharacterConverterFactoryJDBC. Make (CharacterConverterFactoryJDBC. Java: 45)
At oracle. SQL. CharacterSetWithConverter. GetInstance (CharacterSetWithConverter. Java: 97)
At oracle. SQL. CharacterSetFactoryThin. Make (CharacterSetFactoryThin. Java: 129)
At oracle. SQL. CharacterSet. Make (CharacterSet. Java: 514)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. DBConversion. Init (DBConversion. Java: 169)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. DBConversion. & lt; init> (DBConversion. Java: 120)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CConnection. Connect (T4CConnection. Java: 1135)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CConnection. Logon (T4CConnection. Java: 320)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. PhysicalConnection. & lt; init> (PhysicalConnection. Java: 546)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CConnection. & lt; init> (T4CConnection. Java: 236)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CDriverExtension. GetConnection (T4CDriverExtension. Java: 32)
At oracle, the JDBC driver. OracleDriver. Connect (OracleDriver. Java: 521)
At com. McHange. V2. C3p0. DriverManagerDataSource. GetConnection (146). DriverManagerDataSource Java:
At com. McHange. V2. C3p0. WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource. GetPooledConnection (WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource. Java: 195)
At com. McHange. V2. C3p0. WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource. GetPooledConnection (WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource. Java: 184)
At com. McHange. V2. C3p0. Impl. C3P0PooledConnectionPool $1 pooledconnectionresourcepoolmanager. AcquireResource (C3P0PooledConnectionPool. Java: 200)
At com. McHange. V2. Resourcepool. BasicResourcePool. DoAcquire (BasicResourcePool. Java: 1086)
At com. McHange. V2. Resourcepool. BasicResourcePool. DoAcquireAndDecrementPendingAcquiresWithinLockOnSuccess (BasicResourcePool. Java: 1073)
At com. McHange. V2. Resourcepool. BasicResourcePool. Access the $800 (BasicResourcePool. Java: 44)
At com. McHange. V2. Resourcepool. BasicResourcePool $ScatteredAcquireTask. Run (1810) BasicResourcePool. Java:
At com. McHange. V2. Async. ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner $PoolThread. Run (ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner. Java: 648)

Online information about the solution about the following:

1. Jars conflict, I am using oracle, there is only one ojdbc6. Jar, it is impossible to conflict, the other jars also seems to be no conflict
2. The database user password expiration, verified status is normal, the password has not expired
3. Move the oracle jar package in the lib directory under the tomcat, replicated a ojdbc6. Jars in the past, but the question remains,

Consult everybody a great god, and what other possible problem?
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