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Python: Use nested dict to create class of nested dataclass


In the basic case, one can easily map a dictionary to the parameters. The below shows the basic example.

def func1(x: int, y: int):
    return x y

input = {
    "x": 1,
    "y": 2,

## This Works
sum = func1(**input)
# sum = 3

Does Python provide any other types of shortcuts which would enable this type of behavior for nested classes?

from dataclasses import dataclass

class X:
  x: int

class Y:
  y: int

def func2(x: X, y: Y):
    return x.x   y.y

input_2 = {
    "X": {
        "x": 1,
    "Y": {
        "y": 1,

sum = func2(**input_2)
# TypeError: func2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'X'

I have tried other approach's. This is an example fo something that works, but is not very general.

sum = func2(X(input_2[X][x]),Y(input_2[Y][y])

Also failed with pydantic

from pydantic import BaseModel

class X(BaseModel):
  x: int

class Y(BaseModel):
  y: int

def func2(x: X, y: Y):
    return x.x   y.y

input_2 = {
    "X": {
        "x": 1,
    "Y": {
        "y": 1,
sum = func2(**input_2)

CodePudding user response:

class ChurnFeaturization:
"""Collection of Configurations and Data Loading Utilities for PlayFab Churn Featurization"""
    storage: StorageConfig
    data: ChurnInputDataConfig
    labels: ChurnLabelConfig
    window: ChurnWindowConfig
    titles: ChurnTitleConfig

def load(cls, config_json):
    return ChurnFeaturization(

I want around the constructor and gave myself a different way out. I still get the benefits all of my nested dataclasses, maintain backwards compatibility with my old constructor, and still do not need a init method.

CodePudding user response:

I think create a new class that includes X and Y, assume C can work for your case

from pydantic import BaseModel

class X(BaseModel):
  x: int

class Y(BaseModel):
  y: int

class C(X, Y):

def func2(c: C):
    x = c.x
    y = c.y
    return x   y

input_2 = C(**{
    "x": 1,
    "y": 1,
sum = func2(input_2)
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