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Make random numbers without using time seed


I hope you are well! I use random numbers that depend on time for my encryption. But this makes my encryption hackable... My question is how can I make randoms that are not the same every time after running the randoms and also do not use seed time. Most of the time we randomize like this: srand ( ( unsigned ) time ( 0 ) ); cout << "the random number is: " << rand() % 11; But we used time here and the hacker can understand the random numbers by having the program run time.

CodePudding user response:

srand and/or rand aren't suited to your use at all.

Although it's not 100% guaranteed, the C standard library provides a random_device that's at least intended to provide access to true random number generation hardware. It has a member named entropy() that's intended to give an estimate of the actual entropy available--but it can be implemented as a pseudo-random number generator, in which case this should return 0. Assuming entropy() returns a non-zero result, use random_device to retrieve as much random data as you need.

Most operating systems provide their own access to random number generation hardware. On Windows you'd typically use BCryptGenRandom. On UNIXesque OSes, you can read an appropriate number of bytes from /dev/random/ (there's also /dev/urandom, but it's potentially non-blocking, so it could return data that's less random if there isn't enough entropy available immediately--that's probably fine if you're simulating rolling dice or shuffling cards in a game or something like that, but probably not acceptable for your purpose).

CodePudding user response:

There are pseudo random number generators (PRNG) of very different quality and typical usage. Typical characteristics of PRNGs are:

  • The repeating period. This is the number of different numbers, that a PRNG can produce and for good generators this is almost always two to the power of the bitwidth.
  • Hidden patterns. Some bad PRNGs have hidden patterns. Obviously they decrease the quality of the random numbers. There are tests, that can be used to quantify the quality in this regard. This property, as well as the speed are mainly important for scientific usage like monte carlo simulation.
  • Cryptographic security. For cryptographic operations there is the need of special PRNGs with very specific use cases. You can reed more about them for example on wikipedia.

What I am trying to show you here, is that the choice of the right PRNG is just as important as the right choice of the seed. It turns out that the C rand() performs very bad in all three of the above categories (with exception maybe of the speed). That means if you seed rand() once and repeatedly call it and print say rand() % 11, an attacker will be able to synchronize to the PRNG after a short period of time even if you used the most secure and random seed. The rand() as well as most other, better random generators in the C standard library, were designed to be used for scientific calculations and are not suitable for cryptographic purposes.

If you need cryptographically secure random numbers I would suggest you to use a library that is build for exactly that purpose. A widely used crypto library, that can be used cross platform is OpenSSL. It includes a function called RAND_bytes() that can be used for secure random numbers. Do not forget to carefully read the manual page if you want to use it. You have to check the return value for errors!

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