I would like to group both by day (my times are in unix epoch) and name that gives me the score times the multiplier.
My table looks like this:
time | name | score | multiplier
1646733600000000 | Albert | 10 | 1
1646744400000000 | John | 5 | 1.5
1646780400000000 | John | 3 | 2.2
1646812800000000 | Albert | 7 | 1.1
1646816400000000 | Marie | 26 | 0.5
1646852400000000 | Marie | 1 | 2.2
1646870400000000 | Georgie | 30 | 0.75
1646924400000000 | Georgie | 2 | 0.5
1646938800000000 | Kevin | 15 | 0.3
The result would be:
day | name | score * multiplier
2022-03-08 | Albert | 10 * 1
2022-03-08 | John | (5 * 1.5) (3 * 2.2)
2022-03-09 | Albert | 7 * 1.1
2022-03-09 | Marie | (26 * 0.5) (1 * 2.2)
2022-03-10 | Georgie | (30 * 0.75) (2 * 0.5)
2022-03-10 | Kevin | 15 * 0.3
CodePudding user response:
This should be simple enough - main trick to divide timestamp by 1000000 to have it in seconds and not microseconds:
-- sample data
WITH dataset (time, name, score, multiplier) AS (
(1646733600000000, 'Albert', 10, 1),
(1646744400000000, 'John', 5 , 1.5),
(1646780400000000, 'John', 3 , 2.2),
(1646812800000000, 'Albert', 7 , 1.1),
(1646816400000000, 'Marie', 26, 0.5),
(1646852400000000, 'Marie', 1 , 2.2),
(1646870400000000, 'Georgie', 30, 0.75),
(1646924400000000, 'Georgie', 2 , 0.5),
(1646938800000000, 'Kevin', 15, 0.3)
select date(from_unixtime(time/1000000)) day, name, sum(score*multiplier) "score * multiplier"
from dataset
group by 1, name -- or date(from_unixtime(time/1000000)) instead of 1
order by 1, name -- for output order
day | name | score * multiplier |
2022-03-08 | Albert | 10.0 |
2022-03-08 | John | 14.100000000000001 |
2022-03-09 | Albert | 7.700000000000001 |
2022-03-09 | Marie | 15.2 |
2022-03-10 | Georgie | 23.5 |
2022-03-10 | Kevin | 4.5 |