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Cananda Social Insurance Number Regex


At the moment I'm having some issues with my Regex pattern for matching Cananda Social Insurance Numbers. At the moment my current regex looks like this,


And it's returning results with the following patterns.

111 999 111

However, my issue arises when I want to include regex patterns for the below patterns as well.


Moving forward, are there any examples I should try to include this? I'll include my following attempts below which I've had no success with. And just a little background, I'm using Terraform to define my Regex pattern if that is of any help. Thanks!

"^\\d{3} \\d{3} \\d{3}|\\d{9}|\\d{3}.\\d{3}.\\d{3}|\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{3}|\\d{3}/\\d{3}/\\d{3}$"

CodePudding user response:

The following regex pattern will either match a string with 9 digits, or 3 groups of 3 digits seperated by one delimiter (space, dot, slash, dash)

^\d{3}(?:\d{6}|([ .\/-])\d{3}\1\d{3})$

^ : start of line or string
\d{3} : 3 digits
(?: : start of non-capturing group
\d{6} : 6 digits
| : or
([ .\/-]) : capture group 1 for delimiter
\d{3}\1\d{3} : 3 digits & reference to group 1 & 3 digits
) : end of non-capturing group
$ : end of line or string

Test on regex101 here

CodePudding user response:

This pattern allow a space, dot, hyphen or slash between 3 groups of 3 numbers.

/^(\d{3}[\. \/-]?){2}\d{3}$/gm

Is that what you are looking for?
It matches all your strings.
The weakness is that we can mix the seperators. For example 123.456/789 is allowed.
We can block that, but it needs a longer pattern, for example:

/\b((\d{3} ){2}|(\d{3}-){2}|(\d{3}\.){2}|(\d{3}\/){2}|\d{6})\d{3}\b/gm
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