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How to filter through data in a csv through a TextField


I've added a textfield to my GUI and I want it to filter through the host names if a name in inputed. E.g.: "Amy" would display all the Amy's in the csv file renting a house in the ListCell. I've added a method searchByHost() where I'd like to do it.

Here is my code:

public class ListingsController
    private ObservableList<String> comboBoxList = FXCollections.observableArrayList("Host Name: A-Z",
            "Host Name: Z-A", "Price: Low to High", "Price: High to Low", "No of Reviews: Low to High",
            "No of Reviews: High to Low");
    private List<AirbnbListing> propertyArrayList;
    private ObservableList<AirbnbListing> propertyList;
    private SortedList<AirbnbListing> sortedList;
    public TextField inputHostName;

    private ComboBox<String> comboBox;

    private ListView<AirbnbListing> listingsList;

    private TextField searchField;
    private String name;
    private String min;
    private String max;

    // TODO: remove at some point
    static final List<AirbnbListing> data = AirbnbDataLoader.load("airbnb-london.csv");

    public void initialize()
        comboBox.valueProperty().addListener(e -> sortListings());

        listingsList.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<AirbnbListing>, ListCell<AirbnbListing>>() {
            public ListCell<AirbnbListing> call(ListView<AirbnbListing> airbnbListingListView) {
                return new ListCell<AirbnbListing>() {
                    protected void updateItem(AirbnbListing listing, boolean empty) {
                        super.updateItem(listing, empty);
                        if (listing != null) {
                            setText(listing.getHost_name()   " - "   listing.getPrice()   " - "   listing.getNumberOfReviews()   " - "   listing.getMinimumNights());
                        } else {

        listingsList.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((o, v0, v1) -> displayListing(v1));

    public void setListings(List<AirbnbListing> listings)

    public void sortListings()


    public void displayListing(AirbnbListing listing)
        if (listing == null)

    public void searchByHost()

All the examples I've seen online use a filter an observable list however I don't think I'd need that.

CodePudding user response:

I put this together using enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You should have two observable lists. One containing the filtered data and one containing all the data.

For filtering the list you can use the Java Stream API

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