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Django: Filter by less verbose (database name) on TextChoices class


I have a model:

class RegulationModel(models.Model):

    class Markets(models.TextChoices):
        EUROPE = 'E', 'Europe'
        US = 'US', 'US'
        JAPAN = 'J', 'Japan'
        KOREA = 'K', 'Korea'
        BRAZIL = 'B', 'Brazil'
        INDIA = 'I', 'India'
        CHINA = 'C', 'China'

    market = models.CharField(verbose_name='Market:', max_length=2, choices=Markets.choices)
    [... more fields ..]

How do I filter on the more verbose choice in the Markets class?

For example say I want to filter with "China", i'd like to do something like:

regulation = RegulationModel.objects.get(market__verbose='China')

(I know this isn't possible but it's just to get an idea)

The reason why I am doing this is because I am getting the choice from AJAX therefore the format is not ["C","US"] .etc.

I was able to convert the verbose to the database value via:

>> market = 'China'
>> market_db = {y:x for x, y in RegulationModel.Markets._value2label_map_.items()}[market]
>> market_db

And then I could use this to query but it doesn't seem very pythonic.

CodePudding user response:

I believe you can do following:

china_code = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == 'China', RegulationModel.Market.choices)).pop()[1]
regulation = RegulationModel.objects.get(market=china_code)

But it is a bit hacky. I recommend using django-useful and its implementation of Choices.

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