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using VBA to open webpage and pull specific line of data then place it in cell in excel


what I am trying to do is use VBA code, or any way actually to lookup a website and pull a CPU model found by using the Id I assume. I then need it to take that CPU model and Paste it into the Corresponding Cell in excel.

here are my examples.

I need the website https://partsurfer.hpe.com/Search.aspx?SearchText= to be pulled up with the cell from S/N to be appended right after the = it then pulls a website with the hardware information. and line 33 is the cpu model. I need that populated into the CPU cell corresponding to the Serial number.

a serial number to test with MXQ2040F21 inventory list

power query table

CodePudding user response:

Here's a version that combines the cell iteration and the more robust web fetch from my prior two attempts.

Sub get_computer_data()
    ' be sure to set these two constants and a variable
    Dim SheetName As String
    SheetName = "computers" ' name of the sheet that has the computer data
    Dim serialNumCol As Byte
    serialNumCol = 4 ' the number of the column that has the serial number
    Dim r As Long: r = 2 ' the row the computer data starts on
    Dim s As Worksheet
    Set s = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName) 'process a specific sheet
    ' process all rows of contiguous data
    Do Until s.Cells(r, 1).Value = ""
        s.Cells(r, serialNumCol   2).Value = get_processor(s.Cells(r, serialNumCol).Value)
        r = r   1

End Sub

Function get_processor(serial_number) As String
    Dim position As Long
    Dim search As String
    Dim processor As String
    Dim html As String
    Const url = "https://partsurfer.hpe.com/Search.aspx?SearchText="
    Dim xmlhttp As Object
    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP")
    xmlhttp.Open "POST", url & serial_number, False
    html = xmlhttp.responseText
    ' find the tag that idenifies the processor in the html
    search = "ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_gridCOMBOM_ctl34_lblpartdesc1"">"
    position = InStr(1, html, search)   Len(search)
    if position = 0 then
        get_processor = "not found"
        processor = Split(Mid(html, position), "<")(0)
        get_processor = processor
    end iff
End Function

CodePudding user response:

Here's an approach to get get the data you are after using a more direct method than the web query method in my other answer. This function takes a serial number and returns the processor.

Sub test()
   Debug.Print get_processor("MXQ2040F21")
End Sub

Function get_processor(serial_number) As String
    Dim position As Long
    Dim search As String
    Dim processor As String
    Dim html As String
    Const url = "https://partsurfer.hpe.com/Search.aspx?SearchText="
    Dim xmlhttp As Object
    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP")
    xmlhttp.Open "POST", url & serial_number, False
    html = xmlhttp.responseText
    ' find the tag that idenifies the processor in the html
    search = "ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_gridCOMBOM_ctl34_lblpartdesc1"">"
    position = InStr(1, html, search)   Len(search)
    processor = Split(Mid(html, position), "<")(0)
    get_processor = processor
End Function

CodePudding user response:

The code below uses Excel's built-in "web query" feature to pull the as you have described. This code brings in the value from the 33rd row of the table that comes back from the web request. However, I'm skeptical that the CPU data will always be on the 33rd row and I don't see a way based on results from the webserver to infer what the right line is. Hopefully, this gets you headed in the right direction.

Sub get_computer_data()
    ' be sure to set these two constants and a variable
    Dim SheetName as String
    SheetName = "computers" ' name of the sheet that has the computer data
    Dim serialNumCol as Byte
    serialNumCol = 5 ' the number of the column that has the serial number
    Dim r As Long: r = 2 ' the row the computer data starts on
    Dim url as String
    url = "https://partsurfer.hpe.com/Search.aspx?SearchText="
    Dim s As Worksheet ' a reference
    Dim query As Worksheet ' a variable to refer to the sheet created by the web query
    Dim cell As Range ' a range object used to find data in the query result
    Set s = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName) 'process a specific sheet
    ' process all rows of contiguous data
    Do Until s.Cells(r, 1).Value = ""
        'perform a web query for the current serial number
        Set query = CreateWebQuery(url & s.Cells(r, serialNumCol).Value, xlAllTables)
        ' find the data on the result page
        Set cell = query.Cells.Find("Part Description", , , xlWhole)
        If cell Is Nothing Then
            s.Cells(r, serialNumCol   2).Value = "No Data"
            s.Cells(r, serialNumCol   2).Value = cell.Offset(33)
        End If
        r = r   1

End Sub

Function CreateWebQuery(url As String, Optional WebSelectionType As XlWebSelectionType = xlEntirePage, Optional SaveQuery As Boolean, Optional PlainText As Boolean = True, Optional SheetName As String = "webQuery") As Worksheet

  '         Builds a web-query object to retrieve information from a web server and
  '         returns a reference to a worksheet containing the data
  '    Parameters:
  '        URL
  '          The webpage to get. Should start with "http"
  '        WebSelectionType (xlEntirePage or xlAllTables)
  '          what part of the page should be brought back to Excel.
  '        SaveQuery (True or False)
  '          Indicates if the query object remains in the workbook after running
  '        PlainText (True or False)
  '          Indicates if the query results should be plain or include formatting
  '       SheetName
  '         Indicates the name of the sheet to create or use
      Dim outsheet As Worksheet
      Dim s As Worksheet
      Set s = ActiveSheet

      On Error Resume Next
      Set outsheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName)
      If Err.Number = 0 Then
          Set outsheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
          outsheet.Name = SheetName
      End If
      On Error GoTo 0
      With outsheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;" & url, Destination:=outsheet.Range("a1"))
        .Name = "WebQuery"
        .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells
        .WebSelectionType = WebSelectionType
        .PreserveFormatting = PlainText
        .BackgroundQuery = False
        If Not SaveQuery Then .Delete
    End With
    Set CreateWebQuery = outsheet
End Function
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