Home > front end >  How to toggle a `<textarea>`’s `spellcheck` attribute with a checkbox?
How to toggle a `<textarea>`’s `spellcheck` attribute with a checkbox?


I’d like to have a checkbox that, when checked, will enable a <textarea>’s spellcheck attribute and vice-versa.

However, I’m not sure if this is possible.

This is my code so far:

document.getElementById('sampleCheckbox').addEventListener('click', function() {
  let textArea = document.getElementById('sampleTextarea');
  textArea.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'true') = !textArea.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false')
Enable/Disable Spellcheck <input type="checkbox" id="sampleCheckbox" checked>
<textarea spellcheck="true" rows="5" cols="50" id="sampleTextarea">sadadadadadsasamkdajdakmkmxzcm</textarea>

How do I achieve this goal?

CodePudding user response:

Your syntax wouldn’t work because you can’t assign to the result of a function.

The spellcheck attribute has the somewhat weird requirement that its values should match exactly "true" or "false". This means it’s an enumerated attribute, but not a boolean attribute. But the values are boolean literals, as strings.

If you encounter any attribute that behaves this way, this is how you can toggle it:

textArea.setAttribute("spellcheck", !JSON.parse(textArea.getAttribute("spellcheck")));

JSON.parse accepts (among other things) a boolean literal as a string, i.e. "true" or "false". The string value is retrieved with getAttribute. The logical NOT (!) inverts the parsed boolean. Then, setAttribute sets the result (no need to convert the boolean back into a string: attribute values can only be strings, so setAttribute performs this conversion for you).

If you had a true boolean attribute such as contenteditable, then this is much easier done with toggleAttribute.

Your event listener relies on the click event. But toggling a checkbox can be achieved many other ways (e.g. keyboard navigation, touch, etc.). Use the change event instead.

document.getElementById("sampleCheckbox").addEventListener("change", () => {
  const textArea = document.getElementById("sampleTextarea");
  textArea.setAttribute("spellcheck", !JSON.parse(textArea.getAttribute("spellcheck")));
<label>Enable / Disable Spellcheck: <input id="sampleCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked></label>

<textarea id="sampleTextarea" spellcheck="true" rows="5" cols="50">sadadadadadsasamkdajdakmkmxzcm</textarea>

CodePudding user response:

You can add an event listener to the change event on the checkbox element and then use setAttribute to set the spellcheck to the value of the checkbox.

document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
    document.querySelector('textarea').setAttribute('spellcheck', e.currentTarget.checked)
<textarea spellcheck="true">This is a spellling mistake.</textarea>
<label><input type="checkbox" checked>Spellcheck?</label>

CodePudding user response:

  • To handle checkbox events use change instead of click.
  • Use an argument inside function(e) to access the event. You can use any argument instead of e.
  • Use e.target.checked which will return true if checked and false if not.
  • Then perform any action

let checkBox = document.getElementById('sampleCheckbox');
     checkBox.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
      let textArea = document.getElementById('sampleTextarea');
      if (e.target.checked) {
        textArea.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'true')
        textArea.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false')
Enable/Disable Spellcheck <input type="checkbox" id="sampleCheckbox" checked> <br><br>

<textarea spellcheck="true" rows="5" cols="50" id="sampleTextarea">sadadadadadsasamkdajdakmkmxzcm</textarea>

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