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Single machine installation kafka, startup, a connection timeout, how to do


Is the following error, and I am a single installation, why will appear this kind of circumstance,

Kafka. Zookeeper. ZooKeeperClientTimeoutException: Timed out waiting for the connection while in the state: CONNECTING
The at kafka. Zookeeper. ZooKeeperClient $$$$$$$waitUntilConnected ZooKeeperClient zookeeper kafka anonfun $1. Apply $MCV $sp (ZooKeeperClient. Scala: 259)
The at kafka. Zookeeper. ZooKeeperClient $$$$$$$waitUntilConnected ZooKeeperClient zookeeper kafka anonfun $1. Apply (ZooKeeperClient. Scala: 255)
The at kafka. Zookeeper. ZooKeeperClient $$$$$$$waitUntilConnected ZooKeeperClient zookeeper kafka anonfun $1. Apply (ZooKeeperClient. Scala: 255)
The at kafka. Utils. CoreUtils $. InLock (CoreUtils. Scala: 253)
The at kafka. Zookeeper. ZooKeeperClient. Kafka $$$$waitUntilConnected ZooKeeperClient zookeeper (ZooKeeperClient. Scala: 255)
The at kafka. Zookeeper. ZooKeeperClient. & lt; init> (ZooKeeperClient. Scala: 113)
The at kafka. Zk. KafkaZkClient $. Apply (KafkaZkClient. Scala: 1857)
The at kafka. Server. KafkaServer. Kafka $$$$createZkClient KafkaServer server $1 (374). KafkaServer scala:
The at kafka. Server. KafkaServer. InitZkClient (KafkaServer. Scala: 399)
The at kafka. Server. KafkaServer. Startup (KafkaServer. Scala: 207)
The at kafka. Server. KafkaServerStartable. Startup (KafkaServerStartable. Scala: 44)
The at kafka. Kafka $. The main (kafka. Scala: 84)
The at kafka. Kafka. Main (kafka. Scala)