Home > front end >  How to modify web api to return message not matched when compare excel function return false?
How to modify web api to return message not matched when compare excel function return false?


I work on asp.net core 2.2 i face issue I can't

modify web api to display message "Not Matched Compare" when compare excel function return false (areIdentical == false) .

web api below return physical file as zip file

in case of compare excel return true

but I need when compare excel function return false

to display message "Not matched compare"

so How to do it please ?

what i try

public IActionResult ExportNormalizedRelation()

        var InputfilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(GetFilesDownload, "DeliveryGenerationNormalTest_Input.xlsx");
        using (var stream = new FileStream(dbPath, FileMode.Create))
        bool areIdentical = ex.CompareExcel(dbPath, InputfilePath, out rowCount, out error);
        if (areIdentical == true)

            pathToCreate = Path.Combine(myValue2,Month,"file"   DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());

                List<inputexcelnormaltest> inputexcellist = new List<inputexcelnormaltest>();
                inputexcellist = ex.ImportNormalTest(dbPath);
                List<string> tabs = new List<string>();
                var outputTemplatePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(GetFilesDownload, "DeliveryGeneration_Output.xlsx");
                List<inputexcelnormaltest> inputmodulelist = new List<inputexcelnormaltest>();

                        foreach (var m in tabs)
                            inputmodulelist = inputexcellist.Where(x => (x.TabName == m && x.FileName == f)).ToList();
                            var dtimport = DatatableConversion.ToDataTable(inputmodulelist);
                            DataTable dtexport = new DataTable();

                            dtexport = _deliveryService.LoadExcelToDataTableZipData(_connectionString, dtimport);

                            ex.Export(dtexport, m, exportPath);




        string zipPath = Path.Combine(myValue2,Month,"result"   DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()   ".zip");

        ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(pathToCreate, zipPath);

        return PhysicalFile(zipPath, "application/zip", Path.GetFileName(zipPath));
expected result

if (areIdentical == false)
return "Not Matched Compare"

so How to do that ?

CodePudding user response:

i solved my issue

i only add return return new JsonResult("Not Matched Excel");

public IActionResult ExportNormalizedRelation()

        var InputfilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(GetFilesDownload, "DeliveryGenerationNormalTest_Input.xlsx");
        using (var stream = new FileStream(dbPath, FileMode.Create))
        bool areIdentical = ex.CompareExcel(dbPath, InputfilePath, out rowCount, out error);
        if (areIdentical == false)
                    return new JsonResult("Not Matched Excel");

            pathToCreate = Path.Combine(myValue2,Month,"file"   DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());

                List<inputexcelnormaltest> inputexcellist = new List<inputexcelnormaltest>();
                inputexcellist = ex.ImportNormalTest(dbPath);
                List<string> tabs = new List<string>();
                var outputTemplatePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(GetFilesDownload, "DeliveryGeneration_Output.xlsx");
                List<inputexcelnormaltest> inputmodulelist = new List<inputexcelnormaltest>();

                        foreach (var m in tabs)
                            inputmodulelist = inputexcellist.Where(x => (x.TabName == m && x.FileName == f)).ToList();
                            var dtimport = DatatableConversion.ToDataTable(inputmodulelist);
                            DataTable dtexport = new DataTable();

                            dtexport = _deliveryService.LoadExcelToDataTableZipData(_connectionString, dtimport);

                            ex.Export(dtexport, m, exportPath);




        string zipPath = Path.Combine(myValue2,Month,"result"   DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()   ".zip");

        ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(pathToCreate, zipPath);

        return PhysicalFile(zipPath, "application/zip", Path.GetFileName(zipPath));
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