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Magic 8 ball txt file list


I need my random responses to be the sentences or strings I have stored in my txt file. It only prints out a single word instead of the whole line, how can I fix this, thanks.

import random
import time
question = input("Ask the magic 8 ball a question (press enter to quit): ")  
while question:
    if question == "quit":
    print("Let's see what your future holds")
    print("Let me check real quick")
    for i in range(random.randrange(3,10)):
        print(". ",end=" ")
    print("\nYour answer is")
    print("Your future is "   (random.choice(open("responses.txt","r").readline().split()))   " .")
    question = input("Ask the magic 8 ball a question (press enter to quit): ")

print("See ya")

response.txt: It is certain Without a doubt You may rely on it Yes definitely It is decidedly so As I see it, yes Most likely Yes Outlook good Signs point to yes Reply hazy try again Better not tell you now Ask again later Cannot predict now Concentrate and ask again Don’t count on it Outlook not so good My sources say no Very doubtful My reply is no

CodePudding user response:

The correct way to do it is

print("Your future is "  (random.choice(open("responses.txt","r").read().splitlines()))   " .")

This should solve your problem

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