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How to summarize based on multiple columns in R?


I want to summarize the dataset based on "year", "months", and "subdist_id" columns. For each subdist_id, I want to get average values of "Rainfall" for the months 11,12,1,2 but for different years. For example, for subdist_id 81, the mean Rainfall value of 2004 will be the mean Rainfall of months 11, 12 of 2004, and months 1,2 of 2005.

I am getting no clue how to do it, although I searched online rigorously.

Sample image

CodePudding user response:

Expanding on @Bloxx's answer and incorporating my comment:

# Set up example data frame:
df = data.frame(year=c(rep.int(2004,2),rep.int(2005,4)), 
                month=((0:5%%4)-2)% 1,

Now use mutate to create year2 variable:

df %>% mutate(year2 = year - (month<3)*1) # or similar depending on the problem specs

And now apply the groupby/summarise action:

df %>% mutate(year2 = year - (month<3)*1) %>% 
       group_by(year2) %>% 
       summarise(Rainfall = mean(Rainfall))

CodePudding user response:

Lets assume your dataset is called df. Is this what you are looking for?

df %>% group_by(subdist_id, year) %>% summarise(Rainfall = mean(Rainfall))

CodePudding user response:

I think you can simply do this:

df %>% filter(months %in% c(1,2,11,12)) %>%
  group_by(subdist_id, year=if_else(months %in% c(1,2),year-1,year)) %>% 
  summarize(meanRain = mean(Rainfall))


  subdist_id  year meanRain
       <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1         81  2004    0.611
2         81  2005    0.228


df = data.frame(
  subdist_id = 81,
  year=c(2004,2004, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005),
  Rainfall = c(.251,.333,.731,1.13,.111,.346)
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