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Passing hashtable and args to powershell invoke-command as arguments


Normally one can do the following:

function example{
     "Parameter1: $Parameter1"
     "Parameter2: $Parameter2"

and pass parameters explicitly or by splatting like so:

$options = @{parameter1='bounded parameter'}
example @options -Parameter2 'will be bounded too' 'this will go into args' -Parameter3 'this will too','and this one also'
Parameter1: bounded parameter
Parameter2: will be bounded too

Key        Value
---        -----
Parameter1 bounded parameters
Parameter2 will be bounded too
this will go into args
this will too
and this one also

I would like to replicate that syntax's behavior somehow when using invoke command. Ideally somethings like this syntax:

$options = @{parameter1='bounded parameter';parameter3='this will too'}
Invoke-Command -Computername REMOTESERVER -ArgumentList @options 'will be bounded to parameter2' 'this will go into args', 'and this one also' -ScriptBlock {'block'}

I have seen this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36283506/12603110 suggesting to wrap the script block with

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