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Python: Safe dictionary access with lists?


Is there an exception free way to access values from a dictionary containing lists. For example, if I have:

data = {
    "object_1": {
        "object_2": {
            "list": [
                    "property": "hello"

How do I access the path data['object_1']['object_2']['list'][0]['property'] safely(i.e. return some default value if not possible to access without throwing error)? I am trying to avoid wrapping these in try-except's. I have seen the reduce based approach but it doesn't take into account having lists inside the dictionary.

In JS, I can write something like:

data.object_1?.object_2?.list[0]?.property ?? 'nothing_found'

Is there something similar in Python?

CodePudding user response:

Uggh. Yeah, accessing such JSON data structures is just terrible, it's a bit awkward.

Glom to the rescue!

There's two ways to win:

  1. You can just specify ... , default=None) to avoid exceptions, ..or..

  2. Use Coalesce.

     print(glom(data, {'object_1.object_2.list': ['property']}, default=None))

CodePudding user response:

x = data.get('object_1', {}).get('object_2', {}).get('list')

if x is not None:

CodePudding user response:

For dict you can use the get method. For lists you can just be careful with the index:

data.get('object_1', {}).get('object_2', {}).get('list', [{}])[0].get('property', default)

This is a bit awkward because it makes a new temporary dict or lost for each call get. It's also not super safe for lists, which don't have an equivalent method.

You can wrap the getter in a small routine to support lists too, but it's not really worth it. You're better off writing a one-off utility function that uses either exception handling or preliminary checking to handle the cases you want to react to:

def get(obj, *keys, default=None):
    for key in keys:
            obj = obj[key]
        except KeyError, IndexError:
            return default
    return obj

Exception handing has a couple of huge advantages over doing it the other way. For one thing, you don't have to do separate checks on the key depending on whether the object is a dict or list. For another, you can support almost any other reasonable type that supports __getitem__ indexing. To show what I mean, here is the asking for permission rather than forgiveness approach:

from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
from operator import index

def get(obj, *keys, default=None):
    for key in keys:
        if isinstance(obj, Mapping):
            if key not in obj:
                return default
        elif isinstance(obj, Sequence):
                idx = index(key)
            except TypeError:
                return default
            if len(obj) <= idx or len(obj) < -idx:
                 return default
        obj = obj[key]
    return obj

Observe how awkward and error-prone the checking is. Try passing in a custom object instead of a list, or a key that's not an integer. In Python, carefully used exceptions are your friend, and there's a reason it's pythonic to ask for forgiveness rather than for permission.

CodePudding user response:

There is one way to do that, but it would involve the get method and would involve a lot of checking, or using temporary values.

One example lookup function would look like that:

def lookup(data):
    object_1 = data.get("object_1")
    if object_1 is None:
        # return your default
    object_2 = object_1.get('object_2')
    # and so on...

In Python 3.10 and above, there is also structural pattern matching that can help, in which case you would do something like this:

match data:
    case {'object_1': {'object_2': {'list': [{'property': x}]}}}:
        print(x) # should print 'hello'

Please remember that this only works with the latest versions of Python (the online Python console on Python.org is still only on Python3.9, and the code above would cause a syntax error).

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