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Pdfobject. Js online preview image, how didn't like the preview PDF to zoom in and rotate butto


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Js code to stick out and see,

CodePudding user response:

/* global ActiveXObject, window, console, define, module, jQuery */
//jshint unused: false, strict: false

PDFObject v2.1.1
Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Philip Hutchison
MIT - style license: http://pipwerks.mit-license.org/
UMD module pattern from https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js

(function (root, factory) {
If (typeof define==='function' & amp; & Define. Amd) {
//AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
Define ([], the factory);
} else if (typeof module==='object' & amp; & The module. Exports) {
//the Node Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
//only CommonJS - like environments that support module. Exports,
//like Node.
The module exports=factory ();
} else {
//Browser globals (root is Windows)
Root. PDFObject=factory ();
} (this, the function () {

"use strict";
//jshint unused: true

//PDFObject is designed for the client - side (browsers), not the server - side (node)
//Will choke on undefined the navigator and window vars the when the run on server
//Return a Boolean false and exit function when running server - side

If (typeof window==="undefined" | | typeof the navigator==="undefined") {return false. }

Var pdfobjectversion="2.1.1",
Ua=window. The navigator userAgent,

//declare booleans
SupportsPdfMimeType=(typeof navigator. MimeTypes [' application/PDF]!=="undefined"),
IsModernBrowser=(function () {return (typeof window. Promise!=="undefined"); }) (),
IsFirefox=(function () {return (ua) indexOf (" irefox ")!==1); }) (),
IsFirefoxWithPDFJS=(function () {
//Firefox started shipping PDF. Js in Firefox 19.
//If this is the Firefox 19 or greater, assume the PDF. Js is
if(! IsFirefox) {return false. }
//the parse userAgent string to get the release version (" rv ")
//the ex: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; The rv: 57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0
Return (parseInt (ua. The split (" rv ") [1]. The split (". ") [0], 10) & gt; 18);
}) (),
IsIOS=(function () {return (/iphone | the | ipod/i.t est (ua) toLowerCase ())); }) (),

//declare functions provides
The log,

/* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Supporting functions provides
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - */

CreateAXO=function (a type) {
Var ax;
Try {
Ax=new ActiveXObject (type);
} the catch (e) {
Ax=null;//ensure ax remains null
Return ax;

//IE11 still USES ActiveX for Adobe Reader, but IE 11 doesn 't expose
//the window. The ActiveXObject the same way previous versions of IE did
//the window. The ActiveXObject will evaluate to false in IE 11, but "ActiveXObject in window" evaluates to true
//so check the first one for older Internet explorer, and the second for IE11
//FWIW, MS Edge (replacing IE11) does not support ActiveX at all, both will evaluate false
//Constructed as a method (not a prop) to get unneccesarry overhead - will only be evaluated if men
IsIE=function () {return!!!!! (window. ActiveXObject | | "ActiveXObject in Windows). };

//If either ActiveX support for "AcroPDF. PDF" or "PDF. PdfCtrl" are found, return true
//Constructed as a method (not a prop) to get unneccesarry overhead - will only be evaluated if men
SupportsPdfActiveX=function () {return!!!!! (createAXO (" AcroPDF. PDF ") | | createAXO (" PDF. PdfCtrl ")); };

//Determines been PDF support is
//as of iOS 12, the inline PDF rendering is still not supported in Safari or native webview
//3 rd party browsers (eg Chrome, Firefox) use Apple 's webview for rendering, and thus the same result as Safari
//Therefore if iOS, we shall assume that PDF support is not available
! IsIOS & amp; & (
//Modern versions of Firefox last come bundled with PDFJS
IsFirefoxWithPDFJS | |
//Browsers that still support the the original MIME type check
SupportsPdfMimeType | | (
//Pity the poor with souls still using IE
IsIE () & amp; & SupportsPdfActiveX ()

//Create a fragment identifier for using PDF Open the parameters when embedding PDF
BuildFragmentString=function (pdfParams) {

Var string=", "

If (pdfParams) {

For (prop in pdfParams) {
If (pdfParams hasOwnProperty (prop)) {
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