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concatenate specific columns on Pandas dataframes


I've been trying to add a multiples sets of data but can't seem to make it work.

Say, I have three 3x9 dataframes


A: Wave height A: Wave period A: Wave dir B: Wave height B: Wave period B: Wave dir C: Wave height C: Wave period C: Wave dir
1/1/2001 1.1 5 90 4.5 5 90 3.1 5 100
2/1/2001 1.2 4 91 4.7 5 98 3.0 5 101
3/1/2001 1.3 6 92 4.8 3 97 2.5 5 105


A: Wave height A: Wave period A: Wave dir B: Wave height B: Wave period B: Wave dir C: Wave height C: Wave period C: Wave dir
3/1/2001 4.1 5 290 4.5 5 290 3.1 5 300
4/1/2001 4.2 4 291 4.7 5 298 3.0 5 301
5/1/2001 4.3 6 292 4.8 3 297 2.5 5 305


A: Wave height A: Wave period A: Wave dir B: Wave height B: Wave period B: Wave dir C: Wave height C: Wave period C: Wave dir
2/1/2001 1.1 5 190 5.5 5 290 6.1 5 104
3/1/2001 1.2 4 191 5.7 5 298 6.0 5 106
4/1/2001 1.3 6 192 5.8 3 297 6.5 5 103

You can see I have wave parameters at 3 locations: A, B, and C. I need to combine the wave parameters at A from dfA,B from dfB, then C from dfC.

So the result should be a 9x3 dataframe with this values:

Wave height Wave period Wave dir
1/1/2001 1.1 5 190
2/1/2001 1.2 4 191
3/1/2001 1.3 6 192
3/1/2001 4.5 5 290
4/1/2001 4.7 5 298
5/1/2001 4.8 3 297
2/1/2001 6.1 5 104
3/1/2001 6.0 5 106
4/1/2001 6.5 5 103

As you can see, some index will be duplicated so the results will have to be reindexed to 1/1/2001 to 9/1/2001 like this:

Wave height Wave period Wave dir
1/1/2001 1.1 5 190
2/1/2001 1.2 4 191
3/1/2001 1.3 6 192
4/1/2001 4.5 5 290
5/1/2001 4.7 5 298
6/1/2001 4.8 3 297
7/1/2001 6.1 5 104
8/1/2001 6.0 5 106
9/1/2001 6.5 5 103

I first tried plain concatenating but this encountered duplicate index error. code:

pts = ('A','B','C')
  for pt in pts:
  df = 'df{}.format(pt)'
  new_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=("Wave height","Wave period","Wave dir"))
  new_df["Wave Height"] = pd.concat([new_df["Wave height"], df['{}: Wave height'.format(pt)]])
  new_df["Wave period"] = pd.concat([new_df["Wave period"], df['{}: Wave period'.format(pt)]])
  new_df["Wave dir"] = pd.concat([new_df["Wave dir"], df['{}: Wave dir(pt)]])

I tried concatenating with ignore_index=True but then it only concatenates 1 column and replaces all with N/A.

I trying merge but it seems that it needs certain columns to match which is just as problematic.

CodePudding user response:

You can't have duplicated index values using pd.concat

But you can try with merge and parameter 'outer' :

pd.merge(dfA, dfB, on="name_of_colum_index", how="outer")

Set index name before.

CodePudding user response:

You should be able to use concat:

df = pd.concat([dfA, dfB, dfC])
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(zip(*df.columns.str.split(': ')))
df = df.set_axis(idx, axis=1)

for name, d in df.groupby(level=0, axis=1):
    print(f'level: {name}')
    print(d.droplevel(level=0, axis=1))


level: A
          Wave height  Wave period  Wave dir
1/1/2001          1.1            5        90
2/1/2001          1.2            4        91
3/1/2001          1.3            6        92
3/1/2001          4.1            5       290
4/1/2001          4.2            4       291
5/1/2001          4.3            6       292
2/1/2001          1.1            5       190
3/1/2001          1.2            4       191
4/1/2001          1.3            6       192
level: B
          Wave height  Wave period  Wave dir
1/1/2001          4.5            5        90
2/1/2001          4.7            5        98
3/1/2001          4.8            3        97
3/1/2001          4.5            5       290
4/1/2001          4.7            5       298
5/1/2001          4.8            3       297
2/1/2001          5.5            5       290
3/1/2001          5.7            5       298
4/1/2001          5.8            3       297
level: C
          Wave height  Wave period  Wave dir
1/1/2001          3.1            5       100
2/1/2001          3.0            5       101
3/1/2001          2.5            5       105
3/1/2001          3.1            5       300
4/1/2001          3.0            5       301
5/1/2001          2.5            5       305
2/1/2001          6.1            5       104
3/1/2001          6.0            5       106
4/1/2001          6.5            5       103
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