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Syntax to deploy for a dictionary comprehension with an if else condition, when also needing to cond


I have the following style of data i.e. a list of strings:

fruits_lst = ['Apple:Good','Banana:Off','Orange:Excellent','Blueberry:Excellent','Raspberry:Good']

I am looking to achieve this result, via comprehension in a single line of code:

{'APPLE:GOOD': 'Ripe',
 'Banana:Off': 'Off',

This result has been achieved by deploying the following loop method:

fruits_dict = {}

for fruit in fruits_lst:

    if fruit.split(':')[1] != 'Off':

        fruits_dict[fruit.upper()] = 'Ripe'


        fruits_dict[fruit.lower()] = 'Off'

So this creates a dictionary, but also needs to perform a different function to produce the desired key depending on the fruit.split(':')[1] value.

I have been attempting to re-write this so as to achieve the same result via a comprehension in one line of code, but am still trying to figure out the syntax to deploy to achieve this result.

I have attempted:

{fruit.upper():'Ripe' for fruit in fruits_lst if fruit.split(':') != 'Off' else fruit.lower():'Off'}

{fruit.upper():'Ripe' if fruit.split(':') != 'Off' else fruit.lower():'Off' for fruit in fruits_lst}

however, these all return a SyntaxError.

I note that this produces the dictionary of ripe fruits, but then I am obviously missing the off fruits:

{fruit.upper():'Ripe' for fruit in fruits_lst if fruit.split(':') != 'Off'}

{'APPLE:GOOD': 'Ripe',
 'BANANA:OFF': 'Ripe',

I am looking for the right syntax here, but further to better understand what it is I am missing in how the generation of a dictionary via a comprehension method with an if else condition should be written in this instance.


The question is now updated with more specific detail. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

One option is to use OR in a generator expression and use the dict constructor:

out = dict((fruit.upper(),'Ripe') * (fruit.split(':')[1]!='Off') or (fruit,'Off') for fruit in fruits_lst)

or simply implement the if-else in a generator expression and construct the dict:

out = dict((fruit.upper(),'Ripe') if fruit.split(':')[1]!='Off' else (fruit,'Off') for fruit in fruits_lst)


{'APPLE:GOOD': 'Ripe',
 'Banana:Off': 'Off',

CodePudding user response:

Another version:

out = {
    fruit: "Off" if fruit.split(":")[1] == "Off" else "Ripe"
    for fruit in fruits_lst



    "Apple:Good": "Ripe",
    "Banana:Off": "Off",
    "Orange:Excellent": "Ripe",
    "Blueberry:Excellent": "Ripe",
    "Raspberry:Good": "Ripe",

Or shorter:

out = {
    fruit: "Off" if fruit.endswith(":Off") else "Ripe" for fruit in fruits_lst
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