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Generate daily time series date from monthly usage with python


I have about two years of monthly gas usage for a city and want to generate daily use concerning daily usage sum equal to monthly and keep time-series shape, but I don't know how to do that.

Here is my data Link [enter image description here

enter image description here

Plotting code:

For completeness, the rough plotting code is included below.

from plotly.offline import plot

plot({'data': [{'x': df.index, 
                'y': df['gas_usage'], 
                'type': 'bar'}], 
      'layout': {'title': 'Original',
                 'template': 'plotly_dark'}})
plot({'data': [{'x': df2.index, 
                'y': df2['daily_usage'], 
                'type': 'bar'}], 
      'layout': {'title': 'Interpolated',
                 'template': 'plotly_dark'}})
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