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Match elements before and after some criteria


Suppose I have an ordered (by $sort aggregation pipeline stage) list of documents:

    { x: 0 }
    { x: 1 }
    { x: 3 }
    { x: 4 }
    { x: 5 }
    { x: 6 }

Now I can select all documents where x >= 3 using the aggregation pipeline stage:

    { $match: { x: { $gte: 3 } } }

But is it also possible to match all documents where x >= 3 AND the first element before the first matched element in a single query?

The expected result is:

    { x: 1 }
    { x: 3 }
    { x: 4 }
    { x: 5 }
    { x: 6 }

(I need this for relay compliant pagination)

CodePudding user response:

You can use $facet to separate into 2 pipelines for processing. Then use $setUnion to regroup the result back.

    "$facet": {
      "smaller": [
          "$match": {
            x: {
              $lt: 3
          $sort: {
            x: -1
          "$limit": 1
      "larger": [
          "$match": {
            x: {
              $gte: 3
  // cosmetics to revert back to original form
    "$project": {
      final: {
        "$setUnion": [
    "$unwind": "$final"
    "$replaceRoot": {
      "newRoot": "$final"

Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.

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