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What is the best way to ignore null values in JSON data using Svelte?


I am making an app in Svelte using TheCocktailDB's API. When it comes to listing measurements and ingredients, the JSON data looks something like this:

strIngredient1  "Tequila"
strIngredient2  "Triple sec"
strIngredient3  "Lime juice"
strIngredient4  "Salt"
strIngredient5  null
strIngredient6  null
strIngredient7  null

...and so on, up to 15.

Is there a best way in Svelte to run code that displays each of the fields that contain a value and ignores those with a null value?

CodePudding user response:

There is a nice tutorial I found on YouTube for Svelte Kit using this API. Basically you would want to map over the ingredients and measurements etc. Then filter the result.

Assuming saving the result to a variable called result

const result = await (
  await fetch('https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api/json/v1/1/random.php')

const ingredients = [...Array(15)]
  .map((_value, i) => {
    name: result.drinks[0][`strIngedient${i   1}`],
    amount: result.drinks[0][`strMeasure${i   1}`]
    .filter((ingredient) => ingredient.name)

Now if ingredient.name has a null value, it is filtered out of the array.

Now you could consume it like this in your template:

{#each ingredients as ingredient}
  <--! Your markup here -->
  <p>Ingredient: {ingredient.name} {ingredient.amount}</p>

CodePudding user response:

There's probably not 'a best way' but different aproaches to get and display the ingredients with a value and their amount. This would be an alternative to the already given REPL

    async function loadIngredients() {
        const response = await fetch('https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api/json/v1/1/random.php')
        const result = await response.json()
        const drink = result.drinks[0]

        return Array.from({length:15}).reduce((ingredients, _, index) => {
            const ingredient = drink[`strIngredient${index 1}`]
            if(ingredient) {
                    name: ingredient,
                    amount: drink[`strMeasure${index   1}`]
            return ingredients

{#await loadIngredients() then ingredients}
    {#each ingredients as ingredient}
        <li>{ingredient.name} - {ingredient.amount}</li>
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