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How can I make Matplotlib show all tick labels?


I am trying to plot some time series' and I struggle with the tick labels. my df looks like this:

2003    -0.183333
2004    -0.195833
2005    0.044167
2006    -0.040000
2007    0.841667
2008    0.251667
2009    -0.913333
2010    -0.471667
2011    0.005833
2012    -0.297500
2013    -0.625833
2014    0.290833
2015    0.059167
2016    0.632500
2017    1.015000
2018    0.258333
2019    0.030000
2020    0.651667
2021    0.255000

The code to plot it looks like this:

fig, (ax1, ax2,ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize = (20,20))
df.plot(ax = ax1)
ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation = 90)
ax1.grid(axis = 'y')
ax1.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.5)

The plot however looks like this

enter image description here

I used set_xticklabels() function instead of tick_params(). I found this tutorial enter image description here

Then I personally like to modify tick marks using the function plt.setp():

fig, ax =plt.subplots()
data.plot(x='Year', y='Q1-Q5', ax =ax)
plt.setp( ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=-45, ha="left", weight="bold")
ax.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.5)

The output is:

enter image description here

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