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TypeScript: "Pick" child definitions of a picked definition


I have the following interface:

export interface WithQueryBuilder {
  queryBuilderProps: {
    columns: { [key: string]: { enabled: boolean; label: string; key: string } };
    meta: Record<string, unknown>;
    filters: Record<string, unknown>;
    search: {
      [key: string]: { enabled?: boolean; key: string; label: string; value: null | string };
    page: number;
    sort: null;

I now wanna create a new interface that consists of the properties in queryBuilderProps and some additional ones. I tried the following:

interface TableProps extends Pick<WithQueryBuilder, 'queryBuilderProps'> {
  onUpdate?: () => void;

What I expected is a type like that:

   onUpdate: ...,
   columns: ...,
   filters: ...,
   search: ...,

Instead the type looks like this:

   onUpdate: ...,
   withQueryBuilder: { columns, meta, filters, ...),

I understand why this happens, but I wonder if there is a way to "pick" all the child definitions instead of the queryBuilderProps as a whole. Kinda like a spread operator for TypeScript.

Does anything like that exist?

CodePudding user response:

We can use an indexed access type to look up a specific property on another type:

type Person = { age: number; name: string; alive: boolean }; type Age = Person["age"]; type Age = number

TypeScript Handbook: Indexed Access Types

You may still use interface for your TableProps as follow:

export interface WithQueryBuilder {
  queryBuilderProps: {
    columns: { [key: string]: { enabled: boolean; label: string; key: string } };
    meta: Record<string, unknown>;
    filters: Record<string, unknown>;
    search: {
      [key: string]: { enabled?: boolean; key: string; label: string; value: null | string };
    page: number;
    sort: null;

// Here is the important part, this is the correct way to get the sub-type
type QueryBuilderProps = WithQueryBuilder['queryBuilderProps']

// You can still use interface here
interface TableProps extends QueryBuilderProps {
  onUpdate?: () => void;

const obj: TableProps = {
    onUpdate() {},
    columns: {
        "key": { enabled: true, label: `label`, key: `key` },
    meta: {},
    filters: {},
    search: {},
    page: 1,
    sort: null,

// The following will throw error:
//   An interface can only extend an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments.(2499)
interface TableProps2 extends WithQueryBuilder['queryBuilderProps'] {
  onUpdate?: () => void;

TS Playground

CodePudding user response:

You can access a sub-property of an Interface by using square brackets []:

type TableProps = WithQueryBuilder["queryBuilderProps"] & {
  onUpdate?: () => void


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