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I want to put a list on a string


I'm getting a png file name from a file then and using regex to specify a 4 digit number png file name, removing the punctuations marks and saving it to another file

What has stumped me was trying to put every individual value on the list in a string like:

<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/{HERE}.png" ></div>

And then save it to the file as:

<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/1432.png" ></div>
<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/1250.png" ></div>
<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/1324.png" ></div>

This is the code

import re
import pyperclip

def remove_punc(string):
    punc = '''!()-[]{};:'"\, <>./?@#$%^&*_~'''
    for ele in string:  
        if ele in punc:  
            string = string.replace(ele, "") 
    return string

text_file = open(r'C:\My Web Sites\‏‏image_data(1).txt', 'r') 
s = text_file.read()

string_pattern = r"\d{4}\." 

regex_pattern = re.compile(string_pattern)

# find all the matches in string one
result = regex_pattern.findall(s)

result = [remove_punc(i) for i in result]

with open(r'C:\My Web Sites\1.txt', 'w') as fp:
    for item in result:
        # write each item on a new line
        fp.write("%s\n" % item)



This is a sample of the text file

<div ><div ><img src="resources/images/bgs/5.png" ><img  src="resources/images/thumb/1535.png" one rror="this.src='resources/images/thumb/noimage.png';"><img rel="popover" tabindex="0" src="resources/images/frames/5.png"  data-html="true" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Rarity: 5★<br/>Level: 1/60<br/>Level: 0/4<br/>Level: 1/5<br/>: 0%" title="" data-original-title="<font color='red'><br/>(version)</font>"><img src="resources/images/elements/3.png" ></div><div ><img src="resources/images/bgs/5.png" ><img  src="resources/images/thumb/1510.png" one rror="this.src='resources/images/thumb/noimage.png';"><img rel="popover" tabindex="1" src="resources/images/frames/5.png"  data-html="true" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Rarity: 5★<br/>Level: 1/80<br/>Level: 4/4<br/>Level: 1/5<br/>: 0%" title="" data-original-title="<font color='#F96700'><br/>(version)</font>"><img src="resources/images/elements/5.png" ></div><div ><img src="resources/images/bgs/5.png" ><img  src="resources/images/thumb/1403.png" one rror="this.src='resources/images/thumb/noimage.png';"><img rel="popover" tabindex="2" src="resources/images/frames/5.png"  data-html="true" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Rarity: 5★<br/>Level: 1/80<br/>Level: 4/4<br/>Level: 1/5<br/>: 0%" title="" data-original-title="<font color='#071BA0'><br/>(version)</font>"><img src="resources/images/elements/4.png" ></div><div ><img src="resources/images/bgs/5.png" ><img  src="resources/images/thumb/1388.png" one rror="this.src='resources/images/thumb/noimage.png';"><img rel="popover" tabindex="3" src="resources/images/frames/5.png"  data-html="true" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Rarity: 5★<br/>Level: 1/80<br/>Level: 4/4<br/>Level: 1/5<br/>: 0%" title="" data-original-title="<font color='#F96700'><br/>(version)</font>"><img src="resources/images/elements/5.png" ></div><div ><img src="resources/images/bgs/6.png" ><img  src="resources/images/thumb/1323.png" one rror="this.src='resources/images/thumb/noimage.png';"><img rel="popover" tabindex="4" src="resources/images/frames/6.png"  data-html="true" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Rarity: 6★<br/>Level: 200/200<br/>Level: 4/4<br/>Level: 1/5<br/>: 150%<br/>1: 0/10<br/>2: 0/10<br/>3: 0/10<br/>" title="<font color='red'><br/>(version)</font>"><img src="resources/images/elements/3.png" ></div><div ><img src="resources/images/bgs/5.png" ><img  src="resources/images/thumb/1322.png"



CodePudding user response:

To create your file you can use str.format. For example:

s = """<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/{}.png"></div>"""

result = [1432, 1250, 1324]  # <-- your result with removed punctuations

with open("data.txt", "w") as fp:
    for item in result:
        print(s.format(item), file=fp)

creates data.txt with content:

<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/1432.png"></div>
<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/1250.png"></div>
<div ><img  title="" src="images/char/1324.png"></div>

CodePudding user response:

Given more info about the author here

This pattern should do the trick (\d{4})\.(?=png) Where

  • Captures digits exactly at 4 times
  • And ends with .png

If you want to add support for example with jpeg you can change the pattern to (\d{4})\.(?=png|jpeg)

For online testing i coded this, but it should work loading the file then using findall. The rest of the job is yours.

import re

string = "<div class=\"parent\"><img class=\"img\" title=\"\" src=\"images/char/1432.png\" ></div>\n<div class=\"parent\"><img class=\"img\" title=\"\" src=\"images/char/1250.png\" ></div>\n<div class=\"parent\"><img class=\"img\" title=\"\" src=\"images/char/1324.png\" ></div>\n<div class=\"parent\"><img class=\"img\" title=\"\" src=\"images/char/1324.jpeg\" ></div>"

pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{4})\.(?=png)')


where the output is

['1432', '1250', '1324']

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