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powershell implement progressbar for filtered dirs


I created a script to copy file and dir/subdir in Powershell that works well.
Now I would like to try to implement it with a progressbar.
My directory structure is made in this way
test / dirfoo / file1, file2, subdir1, subdir2, ..  
     / dirbar / file1, file2, subdir1, subdir2, ..
     / @dirfoo / file1, file2, subdir1, subdir2, ..
     / @dirbar / file1, file2, subdir1, subdir2, ..
     / file1
     / file2
     / ..


Function Copy-WithProgress

$Filelist=Get-Childitem "$Source" –Recurse

foreach ($File in $Filelist)
    $DestinationFile=($Destination $Filename)
    Write-Progress -Activity "Copying data from '$source' to '$Destination'" -Status "Copying 
    File $Filename" -PercentComplete (($Position/$total)*100)
    Copy-Item $File.FullName -Destination $DestinationFile


 Copy-WithProgress -Source $syncSource -Destination $syncDest

Now I would like to try to copy only the subdir and their files that have the character @ at the beginning of the name

To filter the names I usually make this way but I can't implement it in the copy-withprogress function

Get-ChildItem -Path $modSource | 
Where-Object { $_.Name -match '@' } | 
Copy-Item -Destination $modDest -Recurse -Force

How could I do?

CodePudding user response:

Wrap the final call to Copy-Item with ForEach-Object so you can call Write-Progress immediately prior to copying:

Get-ChildItem -Path $modSource |
Where-Object { $_.Name -match '@' } |
ForEach-Object {
  Write-Progress -Status "Progress status message goes here" ...
  $_ | Copy-Item -Destination $modDest -Recurse -Force

If you simply wish to add optional name-based filtering to the existing function, do the following:

Add a -Filter parameter:


    [string]$Filter = '*'

And then change the statement where you resolve the file list to use the filter:

$Filelist = Get-Childitem "$Source" –Recurse |Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Filter }
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