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Create new rows in a Pandas Dataframe based on a column from another pandas dataframe


I have a dataframe DF1 which looks like this:

Account Name Task Type Flag Cost
Account 1 Repair True $100
Account 2 Repair True $200
Account 3 Repair False $300

DF2 looks like this:

Country Percentage
US 30%
Canada 20%
India 50%

I want to create DF3 based on DF1 & DF2 by doing the following:

  1. Filter rows with where the Flag = True
  2. Create a new column 'Calculated_Cost' which will multiply the 'Cost' column in DF1 with percentage column of DF2 & create multiple rows based on the number of rows in DF2

The Final output would look like this:

Account Name Task Type Flag Cost Country Calculated_Cost
Account 1 Repair True $100 US $30
Account 1 Repair True $100 Canada $20
Account 1 Repair True $100 India $50
Account 2 Repair True $200 US $60
Account 2 Repair True $200 Canada $40
Account 2 Repair True $200 India $100
Account 3 Repair False $300 Nan Nan

CodePudding user response:


df1['Cost'] = df1['Cost'].str.lstrip('$').astype(int)
df2['Percentage'] = df2['Percentage'].str.rstrip('%').astype(int).div(100)

df = pd.concat([df1[df1['Flag']].merge(df2, how='cross'), df1[~df1['Flag']]])
df['Calculated_Cost'] = df['Cost'].mul(df.pop('Percentage'))
print (df)
  Account Name Task Type   Flag  Cost Country  Calculated_Cost
0    Account 1    Repair   True   100      US             30.0
1    Account 1    Repair   True   100  Canada             20.0
2    Account 1    Repair   True   100   India             50.0
3    Account 2    Repair   True   200      US             60.0
4    Account 2    Repair   True   200  Canada             40.0
5    Account 2    Repair   True   200   India            100.0
2    Account 3    Repair  False   300     NaN              NaN

CodePudding user response:

I am sure there is a more efficient way to do this... but I got it done using the following code:

import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
     'Account Name': ['Account 1', 'Account 2', 'Account 3'],
     'Task Type': ['Repair', 'Repair', 'Repair'],
     'Flag': ['True', 'True', 'False'],
     'Cost': ['$100', '$200', '$300']

df2 = pd.DataFrame(
     'Country': ['US', 'Canada', 'India'],
     'Percentage': ['30%', '20%', '50%']

df1['Cost'] = df1['Cost'].str.lstrip('$').astype(int)
df2['Percentage'] = df2['Percentage'].str.rstrip('%').astype(int).div(100)
filtered_df_true = df1.loc[df1['Flag'] == 'True'] 
filtered_df_false = df1.loc[df1['Flag'] == 'False']
df3 = filtered_df_true.assign(key=1).merge(df2.assign(key=1), how = 'outer', on='key')
df3['Calculated Cost'] = df3['Cost']*df3['Percentage']
frames = [df3, filtered_df_false]
result = pd.concat(frames)
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