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Record some code


Title: {
Text: "'
TextStyle: {//new add
Color: # 386 db3,//color
FontStyle: 'normal',//style
FontWeight: 'normal',//fat/thin
//fontFamily: "Microsoft yahei",
//fontSize: 20,//the size
Align: 'center'
The grid: {//show the chart located in the canvas//new add
X: 50,
Y: 55,
BorderWidth: 1
Tooltip: {},
Legend: {
Data: [' volumn of business ']
XAxis: {
Data: the line. The date
YAxis: {},
Series: [{
Name: 'volumn of business',
Type: 'the line',
Symbol: 'circle',//new add
SymbolSize: 12,//new add the pint size
ItemStyle: {//new add
Normal: {
Color: # 386 db3,
Graphics.linestyle: {
Color: # 386 db3,
Width: 3
Data: the line. The num
DataZoom: {
Realtime: true,
Height: 25,
Start: 0,
End: 100
} */
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