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Front the refresh token, continue to request before, but before the request, can't get the inte


Encapsulates the ajax request, has a separate API module, if the token expired, the new refresh token, continue to request before, but continue to request before, don't get the return value of the interface; How to solve, the great god

Import {domain} from '/config'

Let isRefreshing=true
Let refreshLoginUrls=[]
Const wxRequest=(params={}, url)=& gt; {
Let token=dd. GetStorageSync ({key: 'token'})? "Bearer" + dd. GetStorageSync ({key: 'token'}). Data: "'
Let data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/params.query | | {}
Return new Promise (async (resolve, reject)=& gt; {
Await the dd. HttpRequest ({
Url: domain + url,
Method: params. Method | | 'GET',
Data: JSON. Stringify (data),
Headers: {
"The content-type" : "application/json,"
Authorization: token
DataType: 'json,
Success: async sucInfo=& gt; {
If (sucInfo. Data & amp; & SucInfo. Data. The resultCode==401) {
RefreshLoginUrls. Push ({params: params, url: url})
If (isRefreshing) {
Await refreshToken ()
Return the resolve (sucInfo. Data)
} else {
Return the resolve (sucInfo. Data)

Fail: failInfo=& gt; {
Return reject (failInfo)

Const refreshToken ()==& gt; {
The return of new Promise ((resolve, reject)=& gt; {
Dd. GetAuthCode ({
Success: loginCode=& gt; {
If (loginCode. AuthCode) {
WxPost ({query: {code: loginCode authCode}}, '/API/frontend/login). Then (loginInfo=& gt; {
If (loginInfo. The resultCode==200) {
Dd. SetStorage ({
Key: "token",
Data: loginInfo. Data. Access_token,
Success: ()=& gt; {
Dd. SetStorageSync ({key: 'the userInfo' data: loginInfo. Data. User_info})
RefreshLoginUrls. ForEach (item=& gt; {
WxPost (item. Params, item url). Then (res=& gt; {
Return the resolve (res) data)
} else {
Return reject (loginInfo. Data)

Const wxGet=async (params={}, url)=& gt; {
Params. Method='GET'
Return wxRequest (params, url)

Const wxPost=async (params={}, url)=& gt; {
Params. Method='POST'
Return wxRequest (params, url)

The module. Exports={
WxRequest wxGet, wxPost
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