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powershell script isn't working, but shows no errors. Find all .xml files in a directory, do a


The powershell script errored out a few times b/c of missed commas and the like. Now it appears to run with no errors, but nothing happens - files aren't moved, text isn't replaced.

FYI, I got the replace to work by itself - it scanned all the .XML files and replaced that tiny string with the bigger one. The replace does include new lines and spaces as one needs in XML, but I simplified it in this sample so it was easier to read.

As always, all help is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: SOLUTION ADDED. Thank you, TheMadTechnician

$CurrFilePath = "C:\Folder\Path1"
$TransIncludePattern = "*.xml"
$ProcessFilePath = "C:\Folder\Path2"

try #Get-ChildItem -Path $CurrFilePath\* -Include $TransIncludePattern | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object  
    $CurrFileName = Get-childitem -Path $CurrFilePath\* -Include $TransIncludePattern;
    $CurrFileName | 
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | 
        ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host "Changing file $_";
            $content = (Get-Content $_);
            $newContent = $content | ForEach-Object {
                    ($_-replace '</InitgPty>', '<Id> <OrgId> <Id>DAMNID</Id> </OrgId> </Id></InitgPty>'); 
            $newContent | Set-Content $_; #or [IO.File]::WriteAllLines($_, $newContent) :)

            Write-Host "File Changed: $_";
        Write-Host "Has DamnID";
        Move-Item -CurrFileName $file -Destination $ProcessFilePath;
        exit 0;
catch {
    Write-Error $_;

Working script:

$CurrFilePath = "C:\Folder\Path1"
$TransIncludePattern = "*.xml"
$ProcessFilePath = "C:\Folder\Path2"

try #Get-ChildItem -Path $CurrFilePath\* -Include $TransIncludePattern | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object  
    $CurrFileName = Get-childitem -Path $CurrFilePath\* -Include $TransIncludePattern;
    $CurrFileName | 
        Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | 
        ForEach-Object {
            $content = (Get-Content $_);
            $newContent = $content | ForEach-Object {
                    ($_-replace '</InitgPty>', '<Id> <OrgId> <Id>DAMNID</Id> </OrgId> </Id></InitgPty>'); 
            $NewContent = Set-Content -Path $_ -Value $newContent;

        Move-Item -Path .\*.xml -Destination $ProcessFilePath;
        exit 0;
catch {
    Write-Error $_;

CodePudding user response:

You lose context of $_ when you go to Set-Content. $newContent = Set-Content $_ I assume the $_ is supposed to reference the file name, but at that point it contains the modified content of the file. Try Set-Content -Path $_ -Value $newContent instead on that line.

Then when you move the file the parameter -CurrFileName is not a valid parameter. Instead use Move-Item -Path $_ -Destination $ProcessFilePath

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