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Calculate value based on previous value and multiplication


I am trying to do something which is very simple in excel, but I cant seem to find the way the way to do it in python. I want to calculate the next value in a dataframe, based on the current value percentage, similar to the excel version:

enter image description here

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can use cumprod for this type of operations. Add a shift and fillna to make the first value remains unchanged:

df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": pd.date_range("1-1-1980", "1-12-1980", freq="D")})
df["Value"] = 105 # or df["Value].ffill() for your current df
df["mul"] = 1 1/12
df["Value"] *= df.pop("mul").cumprod().shift(1).fillna(1)
print (df)

Date       Value
0  1980-01-01  105.000000
1  1980-01-02  113.750000
2  1980-01-03  123.229167
3  1980-01-04  133.498264
4  1980-01-05  144.623119
5  1980-01-06  156.675046
6  1980-01-07  169.731300
7  1980-01-08  183.875575
8  1980-01-09  199.198539
9  1980-01-10  215.798417
10 1980-01-11  233.781619
11 1980-01-12  253.263420

CodePudding user response:

I was surprised there are not tons of answers about such a question in the internet. Not the most elegant way but you could do it like this:

I created a little example df (for the future: you should copy your data from your editor and paste it to your question as text, not as picture)

df = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Date": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "Value": [105, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}
df["factor"] = 1   1 / 12

   Date  Value    factor
0     1  105.0  1.083333
1     2    NaN  1.083333
2     3    NaN  1.083333
3     4    NaN  1.083333
4     5    NaN  1.083333

start_value = df["Value"][0]
df["Value"] = df["factor"].cumprod() * start_value
df = df.drop("factor", axis=1)


   Date       Value
0     1  113.750000
1     2  123.229167
2     3  133.498264
3     4  144.623119
4     5  156.675046

CodePudding user response:


It is simple.

After importing pandas, and converting your excel in a dataframe you only need one more step:

your_dataframe[new_column_name]=your_dataframe[value]*(1 1/12)

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