Home > front end >  is it possible to ignore date and check only time in this mongoose aggregate?
is it possible to ignore date and check only time in this mongoose aggregate?


I am trying to search time between two time ranges disregarding the date (year,day,month) do not matter only time

I was able to reach to this point by myself but was not able to find any solution to consider only time unless I change my schema

      { $unwind: { path: "$practitioners" } },
        $match: {
          _id: new Types.ObjectId(storeId),
          "practitioners._id": new Types.ObjectId(practitionerId),
        $project: {
          _id: false,
          timings: "$practitioners.schedule.timings",
        $set: {
          dateInTimings: {
            $let: {
              vars: {
                my_date: date,
              in: {
                $reduce: {
                  input: "$timings",
                  initialValue: false,
                  in: {
                    $cond: [
                      { $not: ["$$value"] },
                        $and: [
                            $gte: ["$$my_date", "$$this.from"],
                            $lte: ["$$my_date", "$$this.to"],

CodePudding user response:


  • use $hour,$minute,$seconds ignore the year/month/day
  • compare [hours1,minutes1,milliseconds1] > [hours2,minutes2,milliseconds2] it will compare the members from left to right for the 2 dates

*i think this works as a way to compare only the times of 2 dates, but maybe a faster or simpler way exists


       [[{"$hour":"$date1"}, {"$minute":"$date1"},
         [{"$hour":"$date2"}, {"$minute":"$date2"},
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