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Why the front end is the most suitable for designers to learn programming skills?


Today and you talk about what's front end, share with you, by the way, why do I think the front is the most suitable for designers to learn programming skills, and finally, something about why I think the Internet designers need to learn the front-end,

what is front end

Recent Python this programming language was very fire, and even I have seen in public on several design a Python class promotion, however, have some knowledge of programming I decisively to with each designer said: don't learn Python, if you want to learn programming, then the front-end to learn!

But the front is not a language, it should be the floorboard of the kind of web page development work, and are mainly used in the front four languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and included webassembly recently, about the specific language, I will in the next issue of designer front-end study in detail in the path,

Front end, the name is quite strange, actually may first let's take a look at it in English, is called a Front - end, the two words apart, the Front is in Front of the meaning, the end is over, end point, so the Front is the translation,

In fact, the former is facing the user, so the front is user can see the development of these things work, is that we can see the output of the website page, that given the front-end, must have corresponding Back end, Back end Back - end, Back end is on the server to web page, the website or software to send and receive data processing store user data of the work, then most of the work are our users perceive, see nor touch,

The front so we can simply be understanding for the development of web page technology, and front-end engineer or front-end development is in the company responsible for writing web page code,

why front end is the most suitable for designers to learn programming skills

To understand what the front end, we're going to say why I think the front compared to other programming languages is more suitable for designers to learn? Note that I said here is that the designer, not specifically to the designers of the Internet industry,

I sum up, there are three reasons,

1. The front end is responsible for the web page visual rendering and interactive experience, more suitable for the taste of designer

As expressed by the front end of the name, it is responsible for the users can directly see and can generate interaction of various web sites and product page, it is in line with the designer's visual preferences, are more likely to provoke the designer's interest in learning, and don't have to start to learn a bunch of boring arithmetic and logic, learned a half a day to see what the output on the vision,

If you are a web designer, front-end can realize the website page H5, every day is your design, if you learned to the front, that can make the design their own website write online; Design a dynamic effect, can use on their own website or H5; Design an interactive, oneself can begin on the page implementation,

2. The front entry threshold low, beginners can learn a week or two

Front four languages of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, webassembly, began to HTML and CSS is the foundation of the foundation, it is very easy to learn two languages, which even in many people's eyes is not a programming language, but have been able to help us achieve many web pages and animation effects,

And although JavaScript relative to the HTML, CSS, there are some difficulty, but compared with those of other programming languages is easy-to-use, and learning it can give a web page with a lot of interaction and function, make a lot of cool design, all kinds of 3 d, the graphics changes, even the effect of the VR is a cinch,

3. The front end application range is great, and even can be said to be omnipotent, art programming can also be done

We all know, the website page can not only through the browser open on the computer, can the mobile phone browser to open, and in all kinds of mobile phone app, such as WeChat's dialog, click a url, will jump inside WeChat display a page, these are our common front-end technology application, and the front a set of code can get all platforms, cross-platform features are very good, don't like the app, each platform to use a language to write,

The front-end technology not only can write web site, or you can write to the desktop software, such as the slack, figma notion such as desktop software version is with the front end technical writing, but also can fix the back-end, various function of writing your own server, to the development of mobile applications, and now the commonly used small program, also based on the technology front,

If you have interested in Processing the art language of the students, so the front also has a dedicated to realizing the function of Processing language library p5, js, so-called library you can understand as a toolkit, js language allows you to achieve the effect of various art programming in your web page,

So if you study the front-end, so also can completely to another art programming in the direction of the development, use js to realize a lot of very have a sense of design works of art,

why web designers need to learn to front end

Hear these feel front especially cattle, then I'm going to say why I think the Internet designers need to learn the front-end skills, of course, I am here refers to the Internet designers are those who want to develop in the direction of product design, or have been engaged in product design and related Internet designers, such as product interface design, product experience design some of the designer, if you want to do is run direction or web designer brand direction, the following can also learn about, do a bit of reference,

About this question, I think is divided into internal and external causes two perspective,

First is the internal cause, professional talents are the trend of the development of the Internet designer this profession itself,

If you are a 12 years or so from the start of access to the Internet industry designer, then you should know about 12 years mobile Internet just began to rise to the requirement of designers is really high quality and low price, then can draw icon-based interface has been a very qualified UI designers, and there were no UX (user experience/interaction designers,

Until later, with the development of industry, slowly appeared special UX, UE designer (user experience designers) and various UED, UXD design department, and UI designer requirements also more and more high, drawing icon interface has become the basic ability, also will do some work, illustration, require skills will be more and more too,

In the recent one or two years, there has been a new designer's skill and position change, the first is more and more UI and UX, UE designer skills position overlap, so the integrated designer, to focus more on product design, no longer limited to only draw interface or only do in research (interaction experience), and a lot of work with the operation of the product design has been operating designer specialized contracting,

Then someone said, the future of Internet companies will only leave three professional designers, the designer, designer, product designer, although I think this is a bit exaggerated, but there is no denying the fact this is indeed an obvious trend,

When it comes to product designers, if not the Internet, can you think of industrial product designer, which is used in the design life of the various entities of the designer, a good industrial designer, should not only have aesthetic, will draw the manuscript, more to understand the material, understand the manufacturing process, understand the human body engineering, even will make your own realistic samples are available, and this is likely to make a perfect product,

As Internet product designer, front-end or certain development skills is that you need to master the material and process principle, it is best to have ability to diy a very real samples come out, so designers can not only efficiently to convey their design intent to the development of professional engineers and ideas, also can better and engineers cooperate, reduce loss of communication and make their products better,

And I believe that this product designers, will be the future of professional Internet enterprise standard, is also a good standard of Internet product designers,

Internal cause, and talk about the external cause, for the development of the Internet industry and reversed transmission technology progress with us these Internet designers need to constantly improve their ability to the border,

Homogeneity of first reflected in the current design work and design work of intelligent prompted the inefficient design work to reduce,

Over the past few years the rapid development of Internet industry, now on the market of the product homogeneity problem is very serious, especially the mainstream products, change the color all don't know who is who,

And these two years many Internet companies are in the middle, the middle one of the effect is to reduce duplication and inefficient work, this is, of course, also including design work, thus gradually led to a lot of design work is basically now, puzzle the drag components from the component database,

At the same time, many giant as well as some startups are output intelligent design platform and solutions, everyone is familiar with, such as deer ali's class, the domestic design, wix abroad, the products are in use technology to solve some of the basic designer requirements, such as rapid posters, quickly out of the logo, and the design of software is becoming more and more intelligent, now used to spend a lot of time to get to work now also points minutes can be solved, and this trend will only become more and more obvious,

So big company through technical means to reduce inefficient after rework, need stylist to put more energy into creative and exploratory work, and the work will need some code ability as support, so as to better and faster display and verify the idea,

At the same time, if the designer team code ability enough, then can be fast iterative development, and development team with designer team responsible for the style of coding, the development team is responsible for product function and logic, this will be a developing trend,

For many small companies, many of the preliminary design work can also through some schemes to solve quickly, so a lot of small companies do not care about how high is the designer's design ability, more concerned about the designer's ability to have a more complete, so have the front end of the ability to make designers work in a small company, or even to a certain extent with the front and replace part of the front end of work, the designer team for a small company is a very big advantage,

In addition, the development of technology lead to the design of the front end and we work more and more closely,

5 g very hot this year, with the gradual spread of 5 g, the speed of ascension for the development of the front end will play a huge role, we now have a lot of software can be directly through the browser to use, in the future, will only more and more application can directly through the browser to open, the front-end technology usage scenario will only become more and more rich, that is to say, we are dealing web designers and front-end probability will be more and more high, the front will be web designer around is not the past candy,

The more mature at the same time, the front end technology, the lower the difficulty of learning, the stronger the practicality, availability, the better, the future will be more have the front-end development ability of independent product designers, all sorts of distinctive front-end related product team, there will be a lot through the front-end technology to quickly build Internet products, the trend with the continuous development of the Internet will only become more and more strong,

Above is my own shallow view about Internet front-end designers study, hope these can help you solve some of the front-end of doubt,
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